Publié le 22/05/2020
Extrait du document
Is it right to use animals for medical research or to test cosmetics? EDITED.
Notice the differences and think why I re-wrote your variant in this way.
To my mind , it is right to use animals for medical research or to test cosmetics since I
believe that at present it is the only way to search for and develop remedies and improve
My point of view is based on scientific and humanistic reasons.
From a scientific angle, in the process of working on drugs and cosmetics researchers
must check them on animals to choose the more quality and less toxic ones.
Moreover, it’s
absolutely necessary for drugs creators to realize how the matter functions in the whole
Such experiments can help scientists to estimate the harm and prevent the negative
effects of the drug in question.
To achieve this goal, numerous tests in vitro, which are so
common and helpful for solving other problems in biology, are useless.
Even if the sample
animal dies, its sacrificed life saves thousands of people.
From a humanistic viewpoint, people’s lives must not be put to risk and scientists must
do everything they can to protect them.
Therefore, if it were not for testing on animals’ humanity
would use detrimental substances and be exposed to peril, as physicians and cosmetologists
would not be able to prognosticate the patients’ reactions to the treatment.
Admittedly, history
has a lot of examples of people being used as guinea pigs for drug-testing, for instance - by the
Nazi during the Second World War and in prisons.
In my opinion, it’s absolutely unacceptable to
treat people so mercilessly, and apart from the terrible cruelty, it abuses human rights.
To conclude , I’m absolutely sure that if animals can be beneficial for people they must be
Experiments with them aren’t ruthless tortures; they are a guarantee of human safety..
Liens utiles
- Ecrivez un dialogue entre A et B, le premier cherchant à démontrer que « il sera toujours beau de gouverner les hommes en les rendant plus heureux », le second remettant en question cette assertion. Vous veillerez à leur faire utiliser des arguments pertinents, des exemples précis et à les faire s'exprimer dans une langue soutenue (deux pages maximum).
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- langue morte.