La bataille de la Somme
Publié le 17/02/2021
Extrait du document
La bataille de la Somme
Task one:
More than 3 million men clashed between July and
November 1916 in the Battle of the Somme, the
deadliest in the First World War: nearly 1.2 million
soldiers were killed, missing or injured.
This offensive, between the French and the
English against the German army, was decided in
late 1915 by French commanders-in-chief Joseph
Joffre and British Sir Douglas Haig to use the
enemy and try to break the front, paralyzed since
two years.
But Verdun changed things.
The French
have only one goal left: to reduce the pressure on
the Meuse city.
Moreover, the English army want
to show their patriotism through poster with Lord
Kitchener and thanks to this poster many men
became volunteers to the war and became
members of the Kitchener’s volunteer’s army.
The first day of the Battle of the Somme was
disastrous for the British Army and a shock to all
the Allies.
Despite the limited Allied gains, German
forces also suffered horribly.
The British continued
the attacks for months, until the fall.
When the
battle ended, each side had suffered more than
600,000 casualties.
The Battle of the Somme was a costly dead end
that was harshly criticized as the Allied
commanders, particularly Haig.
This battle
determined the Germans to avoid similar losses by
modifying their defensive systems.
During the.
Liens utiles
- La bataille d'Austerlitz
- La bataille d'Austerlitz La bataille des Trois Empereurs
- La bataille de la Floride, une guerre de tranchées
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