Irish Setter.
Publié le 06/12/2021
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Irish Setter.
Irish Setter, breed of hunting dog, which reputedly originated in Ireland several hundred years ago. It is not definitely known from what other breeds this dog
developed, but it is believed to have sprung from a cross between the Irish water spaniel and the Irish terrier, or to have developed from a combination of English
setter, Gordon setter, spaniel, and pointer. The Irish setter was first brought to the United States toward the end of the 19th century. The dog has a long body and
deep, narrow chest; a long, lean head, with moderate-sized ears that hang close to the head; and hazel or rich-brown eyes. Its forelegs are strong and sinewy; the
upper part of the hind legs is long and muscular, the lower part short and strong. The tail is moderately long, tapers to a fine point, and has a fringe of fairly long hair.
The coat of the Irish setter, which is characteristically mahogany red or golden chestnut in color, is of moderate length and lies flat. Because of its speed and endurance,
the dog is a valuable aid in bird hunting, but it is frequently kept as a pet or for show purposes. The Irish setter is vigorous, hardy, and long-lived. It reaches a height of
66 cm (26 in) at the shoulder and weighs up to about 32 kg (about 70 lb).
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Irish Setter.
Irish Setter, breed of hunting dog, which reputedly originated in Ireland several hundred years ago. It is not definitely known from what other breeds this dog
developed, but it is believed to have sprung from a cross between the Irish water spaniel and the Irish terrier, or to have developed from a combination of English
setter, Gordon setter, spaniel, and pointer. The Irish setter was first brought to the United States toward the end of the 19th century. The dog has a long body and
deep, narrow chest; a long, lean head, with moderate-sized ears that hang close to the head; and hazel or rich-brown eyes. Its forelegs are strong and sinewy; the
upper part of the hind legs is long and muscular, the lower part short and strong. The tail is moderately long, tapers to a fine point, and has a fringe of fairly long hair.
The coat of the Irish setter, which is characteristically mahogany red or golden chestnut in color, is of moderate length and lies flat. Because of its speed and endurance,
the dog is a valuable aid in bird hunting, but it is frequently kept as a pet or for show purposes. The Irish setter is vigorous, hardy, and long-lived. It reaches a height of
66 cm (26 in) at the shoulder and weighs up to about 32 kg (about 70 lb).
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.