Irish migration
Publié le 03/05/2021
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Question’s Answer
- How were the Irish welcomed by the Americans?
As we can see in the documents, Irish people were at first
despised by American citizens.
Indeed, the Americans
discriminated a lot the Irish.
For example, when they first
arrived in the USA, as they were numerous, the law regarding
the migrants was restricted and it was harder for them to come
in the USA.
Moreover, the group “Know-Nothing” really hated
Irish people.
Indeed, they wanted America to stay as it was :
with no foreigners and only with protestant people.
created flags, draw cartoons and caricature to make fun of
They mocked them by illustrating them as drunk, dirty,
dangerous people and, eventually, always with a big nose, a
beard or a mustache and their special hat.
What’s more,
Americans thought that the Irish wanted to take their jobs and
to impose their religion to create a new Vatican.
As we can see,
no Americans wanted them to do their jobs, so we can clearly
see that the propaganda of the “Know-Nothing” worked.
Eventually some Americans were even violent with Irish people.
- What is their legacy?
Once the Irish settled in the United States, they imported and
adapted their cuisine, genres of music, and religious traditions,
among many other traditions.
Indeed, if the Irish were firstly
seen as drunk people, now the Irish people opened bars (or
pubs), and the Americans drink with them.
Americans people
also celebrate St Patrick’s day nowadays, which was first an
Irish celebration.
Patrick's Day was firstly a day when
Americans celebrate Irish culture.
Patrick's Day is a religious
holiday where families attended Catholic mass and had a big
Nowadays, they have made St.
Patrick's Day an annual
celebration of Irish heritage.
The Irish also brought a rich
culinary tradition that they adapted to the foods available in
Indeed, corned beef is a good example.
In Ireland, the
Irish often ate pork products boiled with cabbage and potatoes.
When they arrived in America, they found that pork was more.
Liens utiles
- La migration de populations hipaniques aux Etats Unis
- Projet EMC La migration, ses causes, ses conséquences et ses remèdes
- Animal Migration.
- Irish terrier.
- Irish Setter.