
Immigration in the USA

Publié le 23/05/2020

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« Immigration in the USA Introduction : The immigration is the movement of non native people going to live in a different country.

"A nation of immigrants" describes the United States well since a lot of people there is either an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants. Is it good to immigrate to the united states to realize the American dream? First of all I we will see the reasons why immigrants went to the United States.

Secondly we will see their integration in the USA. I - Reasons to emigrate to the USA These immigrants can have a lot of reasons, to leave their life and to go far away in another country.

For example, they could want to leave their life because they want to escape from a relegion persecution such as the pilgrim fathers who leaved their homeland to go to the USA because they were persecuted because of their religion.

They search for religion freedom and tolerance.

They could also want to escape from a crisis for example the Irish people who go to the USA because of the potato blight.

They want to escape hunger and starvation.

They could want to escape to find a better job or a better situation, for them or their family.

This is the case of Mexicans who crossed illegally the border between the USA and Mexico in order to have a brighter future. II - Integration Moreover the integration, for these immigrants, is hard.

They are facing a lot of difficulty and struggle.

They hope a lot but they can be disappointed, when they arrive.

They are not sure to find a job, after their studies.

Among those who succeed in finding a job, many of them are poorly paid and exploited.

They are often poorly seen and put aside.

They face discrimination because they don’t share a common culture with the USA.

They might be deported, be sent back to their native countries.

They fear for the future.

Their future is uncertain.

To live and work legally in the united states the immigrants must have a green card.

With this card they are not granted citizenship.

It's a residence permit and also a work permit. Conclusion : To conclude, there are a lot of reasons to emigrate to the USA for example in order to escape to a religion persecution, a crisis or to find a job.

But the integration of immigrants is often difficult.

Indeed it is harder for them to integrate and they face discrimination because they don’t share a common culture with the USA.

I think immigrate in USA can be a real opportunity because there are lots of celebrities who have lived their American dream.

This is the case of Barack Obama who became president of the united states in 2008 then in 2012.

Son of a Kenyan and an American, he is a man of color but also an immigrant's son who made himself.

It fully embodies the American dream. We can ask our self if the lives of immigrants in the United States are really better than the ones they might have in their country of origin.. »


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