

Publié le 17/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Immigrants Ce document contient 558 mots soit 1 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Langues.

« Immigrants perceive the United States as a land of opportunity, and freedom.

In this way I can say that they still believe in a myth because they continue to immigrate to America.

Indeed America remains a popular haven for immigrants from around the world.

They believe that in this country even if you start from scratch, without a penny or without any degree you can success with just your determination and motivation.

This perception is very frequently a propelling force in the decision for immigration.

Indeed they go to America in order to have a better life, a new job with good wages, new house and to provide a better future for their children including education level.

The sacrifice of these immigrants shows us that they still believe in the American dream since they leave their country and often their families besides they undergo hardship during the trip.

Through their actions, we can see their bravery, their determination, and their conviction to believe in this myth .

This immigrants believe that on this land you can climb up the social ladder, it mean that you can go from rags to riches thus America represents a place where you can fulfill your dream.

That’s why they still take the risk to start a new life in America because for them the myth is still true.

Besides currently, the American culture is an influential culture almost everywhere in the world, movies show us the American way of life thus in cinema, the American dream is broadcast worldwide thanks to big budget movies so everybody see the success of the characters who symbolizes the American dream, people also want to succeed like them so they believe in this myth.

Of more we can say that many of immigrants flee extremely difficult circumstances in their native countries like war, so they still believe in the American dream because it’s a hope for them.

More generally, the American domination is in all medias, during the election of 2008 Barack Obama said Yes the American dream», this personification is a famous example to shows the whole world including immigrants that the American dream is still true.

Barack Obama started from scratch and thanks to his motivation and determination today he is the first African American president of the United States, therefore he realized his dream.

Of course in addition to that, when we think about the segregation that was in America, and see today that the president is an African, it illustrates that in America everything is possible.

Many people, who are known in the world, illustrate this myth such as bill gates who is the richest man of the United States thank to his determination, motivation and his work, he is a hardworking man.

To conclude with the influence of such factors the myth is kept that’s why we can say that immigrants still believe in him.

However we can say that today people are not attracted longer by the American dream as in the past, with all economic crisis in the world, the living conditions are deteriorated so it’s very hard to succeed without degree and money actually determination and. »