
How did roosevelt adress the challenges of the 1929 great depression?

Publié le 11/05/2024

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« How did Roosevelt address the challenges of the 1929 great depression ? Intro: Today we are gonna - explain the 1929’s crisis and the great depression - What are the consequences of the great depression chomage - who’s Roosevelt, when was he elected ? It’s in that historical context that Franklin delano Roosevelt was elected as the 32nd president he won the election of 1933 against the previous president Hoover - question - plan Photo : 1936 Unemployed Men Eating in Volunteers of America Soup Kitchen, Washington, D.C., Franklin D.

Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum , 1er partie: Les défis à relever ce qu’il faut changer après la crise pour faire redémarrer l’économie -12,5 millions of unemployed have to find another job - the government has to find solutions that work in a long time, IL FAUT QUE agricols productions have to be more “rentable” children in the streets have to be regarde le 1er paragraphe: 1e part : what are the challenges that roosevelt have to take after the 1929’s crisis? After the krash, Herbert Hoover, president between 1929 and 1933 in USA, had to react without training to this huge crisis which had a lot of consequences over the country and the world.

He didn’t very well took in charges the country, he tried to find solutions like increase the taxes, but they didn’t work on a long term. Indeed the economic situation of America was a disaster and it became a real challenge to help the country to deal with all the consequences of this event.

Like Ines said, around 25% of the pop loose their job and one part of the objective of roosevelt, the president who succeeded to hoover in 1933, was to improve the situation of the unemployment.

His second objective was to do it for a long time to avoid others crisis in the future. Moreover, the gross domestic product, which decreased, had to be saved.

All the economy of the country was in danger.

A lot of demonstrations happened in the streets, the population shows it’s anger and hunger because it didn't have enough money to eat.

For example we can see on this picture of 1936 a poor man eating a soup made for unemployed men.

The government had to find solutions quickly to feed everyone. Kids are in the street, without school, because teachers can't be paid so we have to take care of them to avoid juvenile delinquency. Industrial production was also really impacted and Roosvelt had to put it in the same way as before the crisis, (because it fell by half in a really short time… ) 2e partie : Roosevelt and his New Deal policy To address these challenges, Roosevelt set up his New Deal policy.

Indeed, he established a proactive and interventionist policy where the government regulated the economy which is the opposite of the liberal system predominant in America until then.

It involved the bank's supervision to restore confidence in them or the 60 percent devaluation of the dollar. Moreover, to reduce unemployment, the president created many administrations like the WPA and the PWA ( in other words the Works Progress Administration and the Public Works Administration) that employed millions of jobseekers (mostly men who were not formally educated) to carry out public works projects including the construction of public buildings and roads.

Not everyone agreed with his policy particularly those who defend a liberal economy as this cartoon proves.

It was drawn by Vaughn Shoemaker in 1935 and it parodies the new deal as a card game with alphabetical agencies. Roosevelt also relaunched agriculture by settling prices threshold for agricultural products and by voting the Agricultural Adjustment Act, to give back value to the farmers’ crops. In addition, to make America a welfare state, the president reduced the work time to 35 or 40 hours per week, he increased the salaries and established social security. And finally the government did a lot of propaganda to remobilize the american people as we can see on the poster which was promoting the subsidies given to farmers. 3e partie : The results of this policy The New Deal helped the financial situation of the Americans and boosted the businesses all over the country, bringing many new things to the country including the construction of different buildings.

These are still up nowadays and changed the landscape of the USA.

(pour bien parler de la photo) This photo comes from the Public Works Administration Project showing The US Army Corps of Engineers constructing the city of Bonneville Dam in the state of Oregon.

This is a huge project which made a lot of people work again.

Making the Americans work again led to a drop in unemployment which enabled the economy to recover from the very important crisis.

(pour inclure des chiffres à l’aide du graphique ) In.... »


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