
how did apartheid shape social, economic and racial inequalities in South Africa ?

Publié le 04/06/2024

Extrait du document

« As Nelson Mandela once said, being free is not just about throwing off your chains, it is about living in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

We will see in this summary that freedom for many people in South Africa has not yet been achieved despite the end of Apartheid.

So I'm going to talk to you about South Africa on the theme of living together.

We will ask how did apartheid shape social, economic and racial inequalities in South Africa? We will see in the first part what apartheid was and who Mandela was then in the second part the continuity of inequalities despite the end of apartheid.

To answer this question, I will rely on 5 documents.

The first document is an article published by the conversation in 2023 and defines apartheid and talks about the consequences it still creates nowadays.

The second document is an archive photo from LICRA and shows a sign which aimed to divide the races during apartheid. The third document is the lyrics of the music it's wrong by Stevie Wonder which denounces the seriousness of the apartheid.

The fourth document is Mandela's inauguration speech.

Finally, my last document is an article published by the guardian in 2018 and it talks about the new challenges facing Cyrile Ramaphosa. We will therefore talk in this first part about apartheid and Nelson Mandela. Firstly, as we can see in document 1, apartheid is a system that was put in place by the white minority government aimed at creating racialization and segregation of people of color.

The document explains that racialized people such as blacks and Indians were moved from the city of Cape Town to Cape Flat which is a city divided into several townships which are poor and under-equipped neighborhoods.

Furthermore, as shown in document 2, we can see that the territory of South Africa was clearly divided into several zones.

Indeed, we can see in this photo that the place where this panel was installed was an area reserved for white people.

In addition, there were many other discriminations such as the prohibition of colored people from marrying white people, they could not move around as they wanted.

The salary of these racialized communities was much lower than that of whites, they could not vote or participate in the cultural or economic life of the country.

We can see in document 3 that the lyrics evoke the historical roots of apartheid by comparing this policy of discrimination and segregation to other historical atrocities such as slavery and the Holocaust.

Now, I’m going to talk about Nelson Mandela who was the main figure who fought against apartheid.

He was born in 1918 and died in 2013, he is a politician who fought for equality and against.... »


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