Gordon Setter.
Publié le 06/12/2021
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Gordon Setter.
Gordon Setter, breed of field dog, used chiefly in hunting birds, particularly woodcock. Because of its color, a deep black with markings of tan, mahogany, or chestnut, it
is sometimes known as the black-and-tan setter. The dog originated in Scotland early in the 19th century and takes its name from its reputed first breeder, Alexander
Gordon, 4th duke of Gordon. The Gordon setter has a round skull; a fairly long muzzle and a large nose; bright, dark brown eyes; a long, lean neck; a deep chest;
straight forelegs and long, muscular hind legs; and a short tail, which it carries horizontally. Its coat is silky and glossy. The male is about 61 to 69 cm (about 24 to 27
in) high at the shoulder; the female is slightly smaller. It is loyal and dependable, but gives its devotion exclusively to its owner and cannot be used for hunting by
anyone else.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Gordon Setter.
Gordon Setter, breed of field dog, used chiefly in hunting birds, particularly woodcock. Because of its color, a deep black with markings of tan, mahogany, or chestnut, it
is sometimes known as the black-and-tan setter. The dog originated in Scotland early in the 19th century and takes its name from its reputed first breeder, Alexander
Gordon, 4th duke of Gordon. The Gordon setter has a round skull; a fairly long muzzle and a large nose; bright, dark brown eyes; a long, lean neck; a deep chest;
straight forelegs and long, muscular hind legs; and a short tail, which it carries horizontally. Its coat is silky and glossy. The male is about 61 to 69 cm (about 24 to 27
in) high at the shoulder; the female is slightly smaller. It is loyal and dependable, but gives its devotion exclusively to its owner and cannot be used for hunting by
anyone else.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.