
Geography of the United States

Publié le 19/03/2022

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« X²Chapter 2 : Geography of the United States Introducrtion : Is the USA a country* ? !! les états-unis sont > the USA is (NOT ARE) Country : Several éléments are needed to consider an area as a country : a population, a territory, one governement, a sovereignty = this government rule / control / decide / has the control AND a recognition = other countries consider this are as a country It seems obvious the USA is a country, without any doubt BUT… • Problems about the territory : 1.

It’s not only in America but also in the Pacific ocean > the US exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is the largest (or second largest) in the world with + 10 million km² 2.

US territory is made of very different parts (states, territories) > see >> complicated to determine to what extend one area belongs to the US territory or not • Problem about the sovereignty of the US government = the federal government • The 50 have their own governement and they pass their own laws • Sometimes contradiction between state lawn and federal laws… and > states do not always respect the federal decisions !! = they do not respect the sovereignty of the « governement » of the Federal Government = states consider themselves as sovereign (!) • The +300 Indian reservations also have their governements, their laws… and courts, police forces ! And they can violate federal and state laws ! • The federal governement is not so strong and must always share power with many other local governements.

Federal Government is 100% sovereign ONLY in Washington DC • In spite of this USA is a country, but it looks like the European Union more than France or Italie (this is unexpected for Europeans) I.

The territory of the United States Each US territory can be : - Organized* or unorgan-+ized - Incorporated* or unincorporated *organized : there are local institutions, and so a local government *incorporation : The US constitution fully applies in that territory and as a consequence this territories can’t leave the union.. »


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