
Gene - biology.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Gene - biology.
Gene, basic unit of heredity found in the cells of all living organisms, from bacteria to humans. Genes determine the physical characteristics that an organism inherits,
such as the shape of a tree's leaf, the markings on a cat's fur, and the color of a human hair (see Heredity).
Genes are composed of segments of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a molecule that forms the long, threadlike structures called chromosomes. The information encoded
within the DNA structure of a gene directs the manufacture of proteins, molecular workhorses that carry out all life-supporting activities within a cell (see Genetics).
Chromosomes within a cell occur in matched pairs. Each chromosome contains many genes, and each gene is located at a particular site on the chromosome, known as
the locus. Like chromosomes, genes typically occur in pairs. A gene found on one chromosome in a pair usually has the same locus as another gene in the other
chromosome of the pair, and these two genes are called alleles. Alleles are alternate forms of the same gene. For example, a pea plant has one gene that determines
height, but that gene appears in more than one form--the gene that produces a short plant is an allele of the gene that produces a tall plant. The behavior of alleles
and how they influence inherited traits follow predictable patterns. Austrian monk Gregor Mendel first identified these patterns in the 1860s (see Mendel's Laws).
In organisms that use sexual reproduction, offspring inherit one-half of their genes from each parent and then mix the two sets of genes together. This produces new
combinations of genes, so that each individual is unique but still possesses the same genes as its parents. As a result, sexual reproduction ensures that the basic
characteristics of a particular species remain largely the same for generations. However, mutations, or alterations in DNA, occur constantly. They create variations in the
genes that are inherited. Some mutations may be neutral, or silent, and do not affect the function of a protein. Occasionally a mutation may benefit or harm an
organism and over the course of evolutionary time, these mutations serve the crucial role of providing organisms with previously nonexistent proteins. In this way,
mutations are a driving force behind genetic diversity and the rise of new or more competitive species that are better able to adapt to changes, such as climate
variations, depletion of food sources, or the emergence of new types of disease (see Evolution).
Geneticists are scientists who study the function and behavior of genes. Since the 1970s geneticists have devised techniques, cumulatively known as genetic
engineering, to alter or manipulate the DNA structure within genes. These techniques enable scientists to introduce one or more genes from one organism into a second
organism. The second organism incorporates the new DNA into its own genetic material, thereby altering its own genetic characteristics by changing the types of
proteins it can produce. In humans these techniques form the basis of gene therapy, a group of experimental procedures in which scientists try to substitute one or
more healthy genes for defective ones in order to eliminate symptoms of disease.
Genetic engineering techniques have also enabled scientists to determine the chromosomal location and DNA structure of all the genes found within a variety of
organisms. In April 2003 the Human Genome Project, a publicly funded consortium of academic scientists from around the world, identified the chromosomal locations
and structure of the estimated 20,000 to 25,000 genes found within human cells. The genetic makeup of other organisms has also been identified, including that of the
bacterium Escherichia coli, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans, and the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Scientists hope to
use this genetic information to develop life-saving drugs for a variety of diseases, to improve agricultural crop yields, and to learn more about plant and animal
physiology and evolutionary history.

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