

Publié le 23/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : GALILEO Ce document contient 3160 mots soit 7 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Inventeurs et Explorateurs.

« Galileo: 1) Galileo Galilei known as Galileo, was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher.

He was born on February 15 th , 1564 in Pisa, Italy.

In 1581, he enters University of Pisa to study medicine but in 1585, left Pisa without degree to live with his family in Florence.

So he starts teaching an a tutoring.

In 1589, he secured appointement as Professor of Mathematics at University of Pisa and wrote in 1590 “ De Motu ”.

In 1592, he secured prestigious post as professor of Mathematics at University of Padua and made observations of nature with long-lasting implications for the study of physics.

Before it, in 1591 Galileo's father , Vincenzo Galilei, died, so he has to look his family: six brothers and sisters and his mother who name is Guilia Ammannati.

Marina Gamba became Galileo's mistress and they have three children.

In 1609, Galieo developped telescope which was invented by Newly and arrived in Italy at this time.

In 1610, he published “ The Starry Messenger ” with great success.

He moved from Padua to Florence under the patronage of Grand Duke Cosimo II . In 1611, demonstrated his new telescope in Rome.

In 1614, he was attacked by Church publicly and was forbidden to “hold or defend” the Copernican system, which supports a sun-centered solar system, by the Church in 1616.

Even so, he published “ The Assayer ” because the Pope Urban VIII, Maffeo Barberini, gave him permission to write a book about the two rival cosmologies.

After 8 years work (in 1632), he published “ Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems ”.

As he was against the Church , the Church summons him to Rome and he lived under virtual house arrest outside Florence for the rest of his life.

In 1639, Galileo became completely blind and died aged 77 in 1642. Galileo's personality: 2) He had a very curious personality as he was a scientist.

Galileo was convinced of his outstanding superiority as a scientist, as an inventor , and as a personality.

So he was a little bit pretentious.

Like he was curious, through most of his life, Galileo challenged much of the theories provided by the other thinkers and scientists of his day.

While most of the researchers who lived during the life of Galileo were often inclined to accept the theories and reasoning of Aristotle, however Galileo tried to challenge those theories and ended up proving them that they were wrong.

So he became a popular figure. 3) Galileo was used to women of easy virtue but wasn't inclined to emotional attachment.

But some women like Marina , who became Galileo's mistress, know how to handle the 35 years old Galileo.

So he was sometimes manipulated by women. Galileo's opinion about plagiarism: 4) First, he never paid attention to plagiarism.

For example, he never published “ De Motu ” for various reasons.

Though curiously, fear of accusations of plagiarism doesn't appear to have featured amongst them.

And when, he published the instruction handbook for his compass, he was accused to plagiarism because Baldassare Capra had already published an identical handbook, but it was Baldassare Capra who done plagiarism on Galileo.

This incident was a lesson for Galileo that he never forget.

So he was afraid and paid now more attention to plagiarism (= occurs when a writer duplicates another writer's language or ideas and then calls the work his or her own). 5) The perspicillium is like glasses which is found in the telescope.

An instrument that could make distant objects close up.

This consisted of two lenses aligned in a tube.

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