Field Dog.
Publié le 06/12/2021
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Field Dog.
Field Dog, term applied to several breeds of sporting dog used as an aid in hunting game birds such as quail and grouse. The field dog, or bird dog, does not itself
capture the game. Its function is to locate the bird by scent in the air, and then to indicate the location to the hunter. The dog may also scent out birds that have been
shot and have fallen from sight and retrieve them for the hunter. The principal classes of field dog are pointers, retrievers, setters, and some types of spaniel. Pointers
and setters indicate the location of the bird by pointing, that is, stopping short and becoming rigid, with nose pointed toward the game. Before the 19th century setters
were trained to set (hence their name), or crouch, before game. The retriever fetches wounded or killed game. The field spaniel is used to flush, or drive out, game. A
field dog must be trained to keep at the hunter's heel until sent forward; to "quarter" or range over the field only within set limits; and, in general, not to flush the
game until the hunter is in range.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Field Dog.
Field Dog, term applied to several breeds of sporting dog used as an aid in hunting game birds such as quail and grouse. The field dog, or bird dog, does not itself
capture the game. Its function is to locate the bird by scent in the air, and then to indicate the location to the hunter. The dog may also scent out birds that have been
shot and have fallen from sight and retrieve them for the hunter. The principal classes of field dog are pointers, retrievers, setters, and some types of spaniel. Pointers
and setters indicate the location of the bird by pointing, that is, stopping short and becoming rigid, with nose pointed toward the game. Before the 19th century setters
were trained to set (hence their name), or crouch, before game. The retriever fetches wounded or killed game. The field spaniel is used to flush, or drive out, game. A
field dog must be trained to keep at the hunter's heel until sent forward; to "quarter" or range over the field only within set limits; and, in general, not to flush the
game until the hunter is in range.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.