fichage livre artillerie napoléonienne
Publié le 17/09/2021
Extrait du document
The guns were their standards : losing them to an enemy was a disgrace, and the bouches à feu had a
personality all their own, and were treated as comrades in action.
The Frenchmen Eble, Senarmont, Drouot, Lariboisière, Songis, Ruty, Marmont
Britons such as Frazer, Dickson, Ramsay, Ross and Mercer; Austrian Smola, Russians Kutusaiv and
Arakcheev, Prussian von Holtzendorf.
Theorists and inventors such as Gribeauval, Lichtenstein, Congreve and Schrapnel.
The horse-drawn
artillery came of age.
For the first time in military history they are artillery generals who command artillery organizations at the
corps and army level, and who command artillery units larger than a single company or battery.
They take their just place on the battlefield, mobile dealers of death and destruction, the operational
equals of their infantry and cavalry brethren.
For the first time there are artillery battles that decide the fate of kingdoms.
Pour la rpz de l’artilleur : the one-legged French Captain Brechtel commanding his artillery battery
supporting the river crossing (Berezina, 1812).
Drouot leading his gunners in a hell-for-leather artillery
charge at Lützen in 1813 when he unlimbered as close as possible to the allied line and blew out its
center whit point-blank canister.
And the most important artillery action of the period: the wild artillery
chevauchee at the Batlle of Friedland in 1807, where Senarmont led his men in front of the infantry,
turning his gunners and their well-served guns into the main attack while he assaulted the Russian
center, and in twenty minutes knocking 4k of them over, blowing a hole in the Russian center.
With their high deeds, the artillerymen of the period set a milestone in military history and saw their arm
grow in strength and prestige an become a force to reckon with on the modern battlefield.
It should be noted that what is now called field artillery was usually referred to as light artillery during
the Napoleonic period.
This included both foot artillery and horse artillery.
Quote from Napoleon: “ I don’t attach importance to the loss of cannon if the risk of their being taken is
compensated for by the chance of success”.
Partie 1
Leurs canons étaient leur fierté, et ils les défendaient comme on défend un drapeau ou un étendard.
Napoleon called his 12-pounders his favorite, his “pretty girls.
One French company commander in Spain
during the Peninsular War, when urged to abandon his guns during a desperate retreat, proudly
proclaimed that the guns of his company “were our flag." Thiebault later remarked, after they had
reached safety, that the exertions of Hulot and his artillerymen were “superhuman." Another French
artillery officer would remark that his gunners “loved their guns like their sweethearts.”
The French developed more than artillery doctrine for the fighting of their guns: they also developed a
definite com mand structure for artillery that mirrored the tactical and grand tactical developments with
the infantry and cavalry.
They undoubtedly had the most highly developed artillery command structure,
as well as the most flexible tactical system of the period..
Liens utiles
- Arthur SCHOPENHAUER, Le Monde comme volonté et comme représentation, 181 B, livre IV, trad. A. Burd eau,© PUF, 2e éd. 2004
- LUCRÈCE (v. -98 -55 av. J.-C.) De la nature, livre IV.
- Analyse caractères La bruyère paragraphes 27 et 28 du cinquième livre des Caractères intitulé De la société et de la conversation
- Victor Hugo, Les Contemplations - tome I “Autrefois”. 21e poème du livre premier intitulé “Aurore”
- analyse linéaire remarque 74 livre VIII La bruyère