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Entry 24 - Monday, 6th January 2014 - 9 PM
After months of excitement, fear and curiosity, I’m finally here, in the land of opportunity, where you can achieve the dream, THE AMERICAN DREAM. And today was my first day in my new school.
We arrived to San Diego a week ago. The new house is bigger than the one back in Mexico, and the neighbourhood is safer. During the past week we got some missing appliances for the house, as well as the school supplies, my brothers and I needed. Yesterday we got ready for school. I was quite nervous, I didn’t know what to expect. I knew it would be a lot different than what we were used to in Mexico.
The day finally came. I woke up this morning and, to my surprise, I had mixed feelings, I was excited yet nervous, it was the first time I change schools after all. We got ready, we ate breakfast, and my mum dropped us off. Before getting out of the car my mum told us not to worry too much. We got out and I headed to the lockers. As I was walking I realised that a lot of students had different ethnicities, it was quite shocking, I expected myself to be one of the few “non-Caucasian” students in school. After putting my things in the lockers, I made my way to class. I got in and I sat in the back of the classroom. The bell rang and the teacher came in. She told the class about me and asked me to present myself, and well I did. I felt at ease, because I wasn’t the only Latino in the classroom. At lunch, one of my classmates Carlos came up to me, he told me that he had moved here from Mexico at the beginning of the year, we got along well and I was happy that I made a few friends on my first day.
Now I realise that the U.S. is changing, well its population anyway, and that with all the emigration, the face of this country is evolving. And I, being an immigrant, am involved in this evolution.


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