expression oral
Publié le 23/05/2020
Extrait du document
The two cartoon page 124
show some aspect of the connection between immigrant and the american politics.
The first cartoon illustrate a guy probably a mexican because of his big hat
standing in front of a wall from wich an arm come out to invite him.
the man behind the wall seem to be dressed in an outfit covered by the american
flag colour.
The second cartoon represent a parody of grant wood american gothic.
here we see
two people a woman and a man who tell her you can't live without me.
caracter are labeled by word on their cloth.
on the woman we can read comsumer
and on the man low wage immigrant farm worker.
those two cartoons have a common point they show the trap of the american dream
by trap i mean that the american encourage immigrant to come in the united state
to find job and upgrade their living standard, and after their integration they
feel indispensable even when the american governement increase the law against
all that to make use of theimmigrant because they know they will do
any job especially the illegal immigrant.
the first cartoon really show the need of the immigrant in the USA they invite
them because they need more worker and keep them out at the same time.
contradiction is the reality in wich live illegal immigrant.
immigration come with place and here we can see the idea of giving and receiving
that illustrate the space and exchange notion.
immigrants comes to America to
have a better life and america gain more worker.
But there is also some evil
behind al ths scheme.
immigrant certainly live better than in their country but
in the host country they have the lowest standard, they are badly paid the
government create law against them, some can't even go back, they have a hard
time for integration the langage, and they suffer discrimination.
those two cartoon clearly represent the evil scheme behind the american policy.
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