
essay steve jobs

Publié le 29/05/2024

Extrait du document

« Steve Jobs, who co-founded Apple Inc, was heavily influenced by the American culture of the time.

Indeed, we can see in his life and work the impact of traditional American values but also of the counterculture movement which started rising in the 60s.

The concepts of innovation, minimalism and never-ending search for perfection seems to have had a big impact on his ideas, socially, religiously but also in terms of business with his work ethic and vision for Apple. The counterculture movement at the time instilled in Jobs an interest in Easter spirituality and particularly in Zen Buddhism.

Zen is a Buddhist tradition that emphasizes simplicity and mindfulness.

Steve Jobs adopted these principles very early on, around college and showed great interest in them by going to India on a spiritual journey.

These religious beliefs can be seen in Apple products with for example, their simple and minimalist design and all in one product ideas.

On the other hand, the traditional social American values of fairness and equality also align with his ideas.

Indeed, we can see it in his commitment to making technology available for all by trying to keep the prices as low as possible. Finally, on the business aspect, Jobs' opinions were impacted by the American dream of thinking you can do anything you want with hard work, determination and enthusiasm.

While acknowledging that he was not so good in engineering, he still believed he could create his own company.

In addition, his business ideas were also influenced by the counterculture.... »


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