
Espaces et échanges : prise de parole en interaction (Anglais)

Publié le 22/05/2021

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Espaces et échanges : prise de parole en interaction (Anglais). Ce document contient 1001 mots soit 2 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format PDF sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en: Fiches de révision.

« 1 / 2 Espaces et échanges : prise de parole en interaction Une fois la présentation de l'une des quatre notions au prognmme achevée, débute la deuxième partie de l'examen : l'échange avec l'examinateur.

Cette fiche propose une préparation à cette épreuve à l'aide d'amorces de dialogue et d'exemples.

réciser un oint dans votre $ Examiner $ Cand idate Ali right.

Could Weil , you see ...

ln 2014, Scotland 's referendum you develop the opened cracks in the United Kingdom.

Scotland example you didn 't vote for independence in the end but it mentioned about became quite clear that the United Kingdom Scotland and the as a united space had to be revisited.

United Kingdom? Besides , l'd like to add that ...

with the ~ process of devolution , Scotland , Northern lreland and Wales have gained their own assemblies controlling most of their domestic policies.

Yet , they're still sending MPs to Westminster to take part in matters only affecting the English , which doesn 't seem that fair in the end , you see .

l'd like to corne Um , let me think ...

l'm not sure but I believe back to what you they are.

For Cambia, the Commonwealth said about the was a nec-colonial institution and the country Commonwealth .

~ withdrew !rom it in 2013.

You also have New Are things r---- Zealand 's Prime Minister who would like to changing within have their flag changed.

The idea is to remove this space, tao? the Union Jack that is part of it and have a silver-fern motif sported by New Zealand's rugby team instead.

m On vous demande si vous êtes d'accord $ Examiner $ Candidate lt is commonly That's worth thinking about ...

On the one said that the hand, it is a sort of club that turns a blind Commonwealth eye to some abusive regimes like the current is more a curiosity f-------+ regime in Sri Lanka.

On the other hand , the than an efficient Commonwealth played a key raie in ending organisation.

the military rule in Pakistan in 2007.

lt also Do you agree? very efficiently championed the boycott of apartheid in South Africa. 2 / 2. »


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