
ENGLISH : IDEA OF PROGRESS :I’m going to present to you the notion Idea of progress.

Publié le 23/05/2020

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I’m going to present to you the notion Idea of progress.
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« ENGLISH : IDEA OF PROGRESS : I’m going to present to you the notion Idea of progress.

An idea is a proposal, an opinion on something and where people debate on it to deliberate.

It is often something constructive.

Progress concerns a lot of domains which are, for example, social, technological a or medical.

Progress is an idea of innovation and something which improve the life of everyone.

It is also a change.

So, my perspective is : “Is progress always positive” ? First, we will see that progress is something positive.

Then, in a second part, we will that progress is of course a good way to improve our life but this hide some negative points. So, progress is something positive.

First, nowadays, thanks to the advance of searchers, our quotidian life has totally changed.

It became very positive.

For example, in medical : it is possible to operate a patient with a lot of abilities discovered not long ago.

It is also possible to operate some vulnerable parts of human body like the eyes or the heart.

Today, it’s possible to live more longer and better.

Then, progress allowed us to communicate everywhere in the world with people with different cultures with the development of social network for example or thanks to the medias which allow us to know everything is happening in the world.

Nowadays, we can ear everything : hardship or pleasure. Progress is of course a good thing but sometimes it is possible that progress don’t help every time everyone.

For example, the appearance of GMO, which are Genetically Modified Organism.

The aim of this new technology consists to extract of an organism a gene which is interested that we implant in another organism.

It is often use in the agriculture domain to make plants be more resistant to diseases or modified the size or the shape of them.

That means, we have the appearance of new food or modified food.

Some people are very excited about GM food and others are very nervous.

So, this is a progress because it improves the variety of food and make plants more resistant to diseases but also, we can see this as a threat because for some people GMO’s can be harmful for the health.

Then, the discover of cloning.

Cloning consists to copy a human to get the same.

Cloning is a good way of progress because if, for example, we lose a member or our family, we can resuscitate him in a way.

But, we can see this as negative because even if a human is likely to become a reality, the risks will be too great for clones to develop diseases or die early.

Finally, another origin of progress are the robots.

Robots can be seen as an improvement because they can do everything we want, they have more rapidity than human and that allows to win time.

But, the drawback of this technology is if robots replace human, that means joblessness.

We can ask us if we want a world full of things which are without mind and emotions.

So, progress is sometimes positive but it hides some negative points behind the positive points. To conclude, progress is of course a good way to improve our life because it has a lot of advantages with social, medical and technological progress.

This claim allows people of all around the world to live better and longer, or to communicate everywhere we want with everyone.

So, progress allows a certain form of liberty and culture.

But, progress is supposed to be all the time positive but we can also see some negative points behind the positive.

Some people see progress as a threat because it can be seen as bad with the GMO’s or cloning or robots because some people are not open-minded or are affraid to change their habits or they don’t accept that we have to advance in a new world dominated by the technology.

Finally, progress is indeed a sort of process which is very mixed with the opinion of all the people and with results it can be have.

Maybe progress, one day, will be see as a real progress.. »


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