Élections américaines
Publié le 15/01/2025
Extrait du document
The American presidential elections
5 nov 2024
Trump mandate : 2017 to 2021 :
- 2,5% of yearly growth rate (similar to Obama)
- 33% in the third quarter of 2020 (great restart of the economy)
- Before Covid, 3,5% of unemployment rate (constant decline)
- Significant poverty reduction
- Raise of salaries : before Covid : $360 per week (peak after Covid but because of
the layoff of lower paid & unstable jobs)
- 1,9% of inflation rate
- Total inflation : 8%
Biden mandate (with vice president Kamala Harris) :
2,2% of yearly growth rate
2024 : 4% of unemployment rate (since 2022, slow increase)
Raise of salaries : 2024 : $370 par week
High inflation rate : 5,2% (but mostly circumstantial : Covid & Ukraine (gas))
- Total inflation of nearly 20% !!!
- Peak in June 2022 : 9,1% (highest increase in 40 years)
- Federal Reserve : official bank raised interest rates 11 times
Offre : supply / Demande : demand / the FED (Federal Reserve Bank) / Marchandise :
Demand outpaces supply : inflation
Supply outpaces demand : deflation
Interest : cost of borrowing money
If up less demand so supply outpaces demand so deflation
BUT if economy slows down too much : layoffs and decrease of employment rate
2024 EL.
PROGRAM : BUYING POWER (pouvoir d’achat) : aim : Lower the inflation KH : - Ban “anticompetitive” behaviors of ENT (artificial prize increase to take advantage of inflation) DT : - protectionism + immigration regulation TAXATION (fiscalité) : KH : - decrease middle class taxes (family tax assistance) - increase of minimal salary - tax exemption on tips - financial assistance for the lower paid households - Increase of major company and the wealthiest households taxes DT : - tax exemption on tips - overall tax cuts without income conditions (renewal of his economical program expiring in 2025 (if Congress majority, enshrinement / registration in the US law) LODGING (logement) : KH : - first time buyers : housing assistance (25 000$) DT : - Suppression of useless regulations - decrease inflation = decrease loan / borrowing rates COMPANIES & INDUSTRIALIZATION : KH : - increase company taxes and suppress tax diminutions / exemptions - Reduce bureaucracy and tax credit (exemption or refund) for SMEs DT : - Reduce bureaucracy and favor the American industries - Decrease of the company taxes (last mandate : 21% to 15%) INTERNATIONAL TRADE : DT : - protectionism : increase of customs duty (importation : 10% & 60% from China) IMMIGRATION: KH : - while Biden refused the bipartisan agreement, Kamala announced that she would accept it - Military deployment at the borders to regulate illegal immigration, but pathways to citizenship - More resources to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) - “Muslim Ban” VOTE : DT : - reinforcement of electoral security & prohibition of postal voting (2020 election = stolen) JUSTICE : KH : - banning Supreme Court immunity for former presidents (document falsification with porn actress Stormy Daniels) EDUCATION : DT : - restore parental authority over school content - Ban of “critical race theory” (so called “gender indoctrination”) BUT freedom to pray HEALTH : KH : - cap (plafonner) prices of health expenses (especially insulin) DT : - cap (plafonner) prices of health expenses (Medicaid) - BUT promoting competition in the pharmaceutical market DRUG TRAFFICKING : KH : - bipartisan agreement + highest availability of naloxone (to fight against fentanyl increasing death rates) DT : - Wall at the border with Mexico LGBTQ+ : DT : - ban transgender women from women’s sports.... »
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