Earth Day.
Publié le 06/12/2021
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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Earth Day.. Ce document contient 368 mots. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système d’échange gratuit de ressources numériques ou achetez-le pour la modique somme d’un euro symbolique. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en : Echange
Earth Day.
Earth Day, a day dedicated to the environmental health of our planet. Earth Day is observed in the United States, Canada, and many other countries around the world
with programs designed to educate people about Earth's environment and threats to the environment. Activities intended to improve the environment also take place.
Earth Day is most often celebrated on April 22, but some people observe it on March 21, the first day of spring. Activities surrounding Earth Day may continue for
weeks or months.
Earth Day was first observed on April 22, 1970. The idea for a nationwide demonstration in support of Earth's environment came from Senator Gaylord Nelson of
Wisconsin. Nelson is considered the founder of Earth Day. On the first Earth Day in 1970 as many as 20 million Americans in schools and communities across the
country participated in rallies and demonstrations on behalf of Earth. In New York City, Mayor John Lindsay closed Fifth Avenue to automobile traffic, and thousands of
people attended a fair on ecology in Central Park.
By 1990 Earth Day had become an international event, with more than 200 million people in 141 countries participating. Environmental groups use Earth Day as an
occasion to draw attention to current local and global environmental problems and to discuss commonsense solutions. At fairs, festivals, and talks, people learn about air
pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution; the destruction of habitats (see Ecosystem); the devastation of hundreds of thousands of plant and animal species (see
Endangered Species); the depletion of nonrenewable resources (see Conservation); and global warming. They explore exhibits on such topics as conserving energy,
recycling, renewing natural habitats, leading healthier lives, making their backyards friendly to wildlife, and protecting endangered species. Volunteers gather to pick up
litter; clean up streams, reservoirs, and other water supplies; restore parks; plant trees; and participate in other environmental activities.
An organization called Earth Day Network coordinates Earth Day activities around the world. The organization estimated that 1,000 groups and 500 million people were
participating in Earth Day observances by the early 2000s.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Earth Day.
Earth Day, a day dedicated to the environmental health of our planet. Earth Day is observed in the United States, Canada, and many other countries around the world
with programs designed to educate people about Earth's environment and threats to the environment. Activities intended to improve the environment also take place.
Earth Day is most often celebrated on April 22, but some people observe it on March 21, the first day of spring. Activities surrounding Earth Day may continue for
weeks or months.
Earth Day was first observed on April 22, 1970. The idea for a nationwide demonstration in support of Earth's environment came from Senator Gaylord Nelson of
Wisconsin. Nelson is considered the founder of Earth Day. On the first Earth Day in 1970 as many as 20 million Americans in schools and communities across the
country participated in rallies and demonstrations on behalf of Earth. In New York City, Mayor John Lindsay closed Fifth Avenue to automobile traffic, and thousands of
people attended a fair on ecology in Central Park.
By 1990 Earth Day had become an international event, with more than 200 million people in 141 countries participating. Environmental groups use Earth Day as an
occasion to draw attention to current local and global environmental problems and to discuss commonsense solutions. At fairs, festivals, and talks, people learn about air
pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution; the destruction of habitats (see Ecosystem); the devastation of hundreds of thousands of plant and animal species (see
Endangered Species); the depletion of nonrenewable resources (see Conservation); and global warming. They explore exhibits on such topics as conserving energy,
recycling, renewing natural habitats, leading healthier lives, making their backyards friendly to wildlife, and protecting endangered species. Volunteers gather to pick up
litter; clean up streams, reservoirs, and other water supplies; restore parks; plant trees; and participate in other environmental activities.
An organization called Earth Day Network coordinates Earth Day activities around the world. The organization estimated that 1,000 groups and 500 million people were
participating in Earth Day observances by the early 2000s.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Liens utiles
- Anglais leçons: Description Poster The Day After Tomorrow
- Earth (planet).
- Canada Day.
- Groundhog Day.
- Memorial Day.