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Donatello, real name Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi (1386?-1466), Italian Renaissance sculptor, who is generally considered one of the greatest sculptors of all time
and the founder of modern sculpture.
Donatello was born in Florence, the son of a wool comber. When he was 17 years old, he assisted the noted sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti in constructing and decorating the
famous bronze doors of the baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence. Later, Donatello was also an associate of the noted architect Filippo Brunelleschi, with whom he
reputedly visited Rome in order to study the monuments of antiquity.
Donatello's career may be divided into three periods. The first and formative period comprised the years before 1425, when his work is marked by the influence of
Gothic sculpture but also shows classical and realistic tendencies. Among his sculpture of this period are the statues St. Mark (Church of Or San Michele, Florence), St.
George (Bargello, Florence), John the Evangelist (Opera del Duomo, Florence), and Joshua (campanile of the cathedral, Florence).
The second period (1425-1443) is generally characterized by a reliance on the models and principles of the sculpture of antiquity. From 1425 to 1435 Donatello worked
with the Florentine sculptor and architect Michelozzo on a number of projects, including the monument to Bartolomeo Aragazzi (Cathedral of Montepulciano). In their
joint work Michelozzo executed the architectural designs and also helped in the making of the bronze castings; Donatello executed most of the statues. From 1430 to
1433 Donatello spent periods in Rome, where he created a number of works, notably the ciborium in the sacristy of the Basilica of Saint Peter, decorated with the reliefs
Worshiping Angels and Burial of Christ. It was in Florence, however, that he created the most noted work of this period--the bronze David (circa 1430-1435, Bargello),
the first nude statue of the Renaissance.
In his third and culminating period, Donatello broke away from classical influence and in his work emphasized realism and the portrayal of character and of dramatic
action. Notable examples of his sculpture of this period are Miracles of St. Anthony (Sant' Antonio, Padua); Gattamelata (in the square before Sant' Antonio), the first
bronze equestrian statue since ancient times; and Judith and Holofernes (Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence).
The sculpture of Donatello influenced that of Florence and northern Italy in the 15th century. It was also a major stimulus on the development of realism in Italian
painting, notably in the work of the great Paduan artist Andrea Mantegna. Donatello, who died on December 13, 1466, had many pupils, the most important of whom
was Desiderio da Settignano.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Donatello, real name Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi (1386?-1466), Italian Renaissance sculptor, who is generally considered one of the greatest sculptors of all time
and the founder of modern sculpture.
Donatello was born in Florence, the son of a wool comber. When he was 17 years old, he assisted the noted sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti in constructing and decorating the
famous bronze doors of the baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence. Later, Donatello was also an associate of the noted architect Filippo Brunelleschi, with whom he
reputedly visited Rome in order to study the monuments of antiquity.
Donatello's career may be divided into three periods. The first and formative period comprised the years before 1425, when his work is marked by the influence of
Gothic sculpture but also shows classical and realistic tendencies. Among his sculpture of this period are the statues St. Mark (Church of Or San Michele, Florence), St.
George (Bargello, Florence), John the Evangelist (Opera del Duomo, Florence), and Joshua (campanile of the cathedral, Florence).
The second period (1425-1443) is generally characterized by a reliance on the models and principles of the sculpture of antiquity. From 1425 to 1435 Donatello worked
with the Florentine sculptor and architect Michelozzo on a number of projects, including the monument to Bartolomeo Aragazzi (Cathedral of Montepulciano). In their
joint work Michelozzo executed the architectural designs and also helped in the making of the bronze castings; Donatello executed most of the statues. From 1430 to
1433 Donatello spent periods in Rome, where he created a number of works, notably the ciborium in the sacristy of the Basilica of Saint Peter, decorated with the reliefs
Worshiping Angels and Burial of Christ. It was in Florence, however, that he created the most noted work of this period--the bronze David (circa 1430-1435, Bargello),
the first nude statue of the Renaissance.
In his third and culminating period, Donatello broke away from classical influence and in his work emphasized realism and the portrayal of character and of dramatic
action. Notable examples of his sculpture of this period are Miracles of St. Anthony (Sant' Antonio, Padua); Gattamelata (in the square before Sant' Antonio), the first
bronze equestrian statue since ancient times; and Judith and Holofernes (Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence).
The sculpture of Donatello influenced that of Florence and northern Italy in the 15th century. It was also a major stimulus on the development of realism in Italian
painting, notably in the work of the great Paduan artist Andrea Mantegna. Donatello, who died on December 13, 1466, had many pupils, the most important of whom
was Desiderio da Settignano.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Liens utiles
- Analyse de tableaux - Renaissance italienne: Donatello, Andrea Mantegna, Bronzino, Titien, Véronèse, le Caravage
- Donatello Né à Florence, Donato di Nicolo Bardi, dit Donatello, fut l'élève dusculpteur Lorenzo Ghiberti et travailla dans son atelier entre 1404 et 1407.
- RODIN, Auguste (1840-1917) Sculpteur La découverte des sculptures de Donatello et de Michel-Ange qu'il fait à Florence et à Rome relance l'ambition du jeune Rodin, qui n'a pu entrer à l'Ecole des beaux-arts et dont une sculpture a été refusée au Salon en 1864.
- Andrea di Michele Verrocchio Cioni dit Verrochio1432-1488Né à Florence, débuta comme orfèvre avant d'être le sculpteur formé par Donatello.
- Antonio de Benci del Pollajuolo1429-1498Orfèvre, graveur, sculpteur né à Florence, mort à Rome, venu tard à la peinture, élève deson jeune frère Piero del Pollajuolo (1443-avant 1496), de Donatello et d'Uccello.