Do you believe that pop culture has made women nudity and body an object ?
Publié le 16/06/2022
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Do you believe that pop culture has made women nudity and body an object ?
Popular culture is generally recognized as a set of the practices, beliefs, and
objects that are dominant or prevalent in a society at a given point in time.
This fact means that people consciously or unconsciously are influenced by
what pop culture is trying to convey.
Therefore, it is a political, social and feminist issue because it takes up and
encompasses the questions of society and conveys images that condition us.
Today we will talk of the feminist issue with the problematic :
Does pop culture have made women nudity and body an object ?
Generally, the woman is over and over represented with « the perfect » body
(thin, beautiful skin, beautiful hair, smiling, size 4) to which we should look like.
This image creates complexes for few women.
But this idea of perfection is an
More over, in Pop culture the woman is represented through a sexualized
body, in the 1970s, Laura Mulvey, a British psychoanalyst and film critic,
proposed a concept relating to gender representations on the screen: the male
In the majority of our media productions, women only come to life
because they are observed by men.
They are passive, waiting, while men are
active and give meaning to the narrative.
We will see several examples in order to argue :
In a first place, films from pop culture which transmit those depictions :
Historically, there are few leading roles that make the woman what she is.
Instead, she is usually found as a love-struck dork in a romantic comedy.
when she finally gets a dissident role, then she's bound to be sexy.
Does Uma
Thurman need such a tight-fitting jumpsuit to fight with a sword in Kill Bill when
a samurai fights with a very large outfit? Does Halle Berry need to be so
scantily clad to play Catwoman when the cats are covered in a coat of fur?
There is also Wonder Woman the character has often been debated,
sometimes considered as a feminist icon, others see this female character
who fights in panties and with a lasso.
Fortunately, the trend seems to be
Like the fearless Katniss Everdeen without supernatural powers in
The Hunger Games or even with princesses who are no longer waiting for
Prince Charming, like Rebelle or Vaïana.
However, in another way, we can see a reversal of the situation when stars try
to change the meaning of the female body representation, we can see this
phenomena in the world of music :
Showing your legs became a declaration of freedom, strength and selfconfidence, all the biggest music stars have made the bodysuit their stage.
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