
Do you believe that one should respect and honour one’s ancestors culture and heritage ?

Publié le 10/01/2021

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« Essai in English Question : Do you believe that one should respect and honour one’s an cestors culture and heritage? "What you have received from your ancestors, acquire it, to possess it." , this quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe illustrates my point in this following paper : We are fortunate to have received a spiritual heritage from our forebears.

However, our ancestors can make tragic errors and we must learn from it to progress. Today all societies are based on the culture of their forefathers: we follow their tradition, religion, lifestyle, etc.

Therefore, not respecting one's culture would be tantamount to not respecting oneself : given that culture is transmitted by the family besides that at first it is part of us "All the memories of our parents, our ancestors are included in us" says Françoise Dolto. In my opinion, our ancestors were wiser than us and their heritage is more than the values they’ve taught us, it’s also their principles that we cannot forget.

As a Chinese proverb says, "Forgetting one's founders is to be a stream without a source, a tree without roots".

This amnesic behaviour is a lack of respect.

For all that is built and stands today only happen if one respects its roots, that is, the culture of its antecedents.

We can't be without remembering our ascendants because they did the “dirty work” and made sometimes difficult decisions to give us a peaceful life.

So how can we not honor them and pay tribute to them? "Our forerunners have invented, we can at least innovate." Amit Kalantri.

Our precussors were not invincible, by which I mean they must have made mistakes.

As I said in the beginning, we can and we must use these mistakes to learn from them in order to bring progress.

We just have to draw on the unlimited reservoir of our primogenitors’ past experiences, remember what works not only ...but also improve what has not worked.

It can only honour them to see their offspring learn from them to lead a better life.

Thus, their sacrifices and struggles would not have been in vain.

According to Eleanor Roosvelt, we must learn from the mistakes of others hence we will not live long enough to repeat the same mistakes moreover learn from them.

Morocco's King Mohammed VI bases his regime on the same model as his father Hassan II.

However, he improved existing situations that his predecessor has not been able to solve in his lifetime since his father Hassan II' throne, in this case by granting more rights to women or improving the democratic system.

We see through this example that we can honor with respect the culture of our antecessors while making progress. To sum up everything that has been stated, we can say that despite the fact that ancestors correspond to the idea of another era, we must respect what they did.

This actively illustrates that we have to learn from their mistakes and thus make a profit.

Indeed, indirectly, our ancestors led us to a better world.

That’s why we should absolutely respect and honor them.. »


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