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Publié le 30/05/2024

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« Health (benefits of sport) A : World Health Orga → regular physical activity → for having security benefits : 20% to 30% chances to die earlier. B : doc C: we will try to prove you that sport → good effects on health D : I / II / III I/ Physical benefits A) stronger body → improve endurance : aerobics → increase heart beats → “ “ flexibility : gym → involving regular training → maintain skeleton : running → strengthen bone (avoid multiples fractures) → permit to live longer B) Prevent of illness → reduces risk of cancer → strengthen heart → reduce cardiovascular diseases → obesity → regulate consumption of sugar in the blood II/ Mental Health A) Improve cerebral functions → hormonal balance: dopamine / endorphin / serotonin … → well-being → reduce risk mood disorders : depression / anxiety → improve cerebral capacities : better memory → acquisition motor skills : swimming → mobilities / muscles III/ Harmful aspects A) physical impact → dommages on heart : increase too much blood pressure → osteoporosis ‘ risks : bones → not enough time to repair (which can increase fractures) B) destroyed mental → addiction : different reasons → ex: lack of well-being → sleeping troubles : imbalances of hormone → at high level sport : cause stress / anxiety / behavioural troubles C : brings different advantages (physical / mental) but overtraining → transforms those benefits by troubles → Harmful D : good health → sport is not the only element → need nutrition ( is not accessible for everyone because of the costs…) Woman in sport A : sport way for mankind to assert power, mainly women excluded. But, slowly opens up to women, or many inequalities skills exist. B : doc C : we will try to show you that the place of women in sport is constantly evolving. D : I / II / III I/ A long Fight A) History → the field most dominated by man : OG → reintroduced 1896 by PdeCoubertin → has excluded women because “impractical, uninteresting, inaesthetic, incorrect” → Reason : not attractive + may “damage reproductive organs” → next edition : 1900 → only tennis & archery → 12 women B) A new air → 1922 : 1st women’s OG in Paris → after 2 tries in Monaco → Edmonton Grads (Women team) won 17 times the Canadian championship in basketball (1st time → 1924) → APril 1967, when marathons were only for man, Katherine Switzer → register herself under a pseudonym → for this action → disqualified + remove from athletic federation II/ Inequalities A) Physical differences → women don’t absorb many Oxygen as men → proportion of muscles is more present among men : 35% against 28% for women → heart size : women smaller heart than men → beat faster for same amount of blood → 10 -12% performance gap B) Wage gap → sector where wage gap → but improvement (83% wages equal in 2022) : ex cycling → Women = 80 thousand // 2 hundred thousand = men => she need 2nd job → less time time training III/ A futur full of hope A) affirmation of their opinion → Megan Rapinoe : committed footballs vs racism, sexism, homophobia → 2021 : beach handball team refused to wear bikini considered too sexualized →for public opinion was divided between for or against this movement. C : achieved a long way, have always fought but→ position of women in sport is contested still today. D: the subject raises questions about the impact of sport's influence on society. Nutrition : A : Ancient times, Hippocrate “let nutrition be your only medecine” → every athlete has a nutritionist. B : doc C : we will try to show you that nutrition is an essential point for sport’s success. D : II / II / III I/ The bases of nutrition A) types of food → consume 2 thousand Kcal in daily life → carbohydrates (glucides) : bring energy, once swallowed turn into glycogen (sugar) + stocked in muscle (1st type consume during performance) →proteins : it is recommended depending on our weight + practice sport activity or if we are sedentary → dvlpmt muscles → improve glycogen storage.

Mostly animal-based food : eggs, fishes, meets → lipids : produce hormones + absorb some vitamins B) Hydratation → reduce injuries by boosting + regenerating cellular → brings essential minerals → filtration body wastes → usually, recommended to drink around 2L per day → 0point5-1L per hour during a training session II/ The key of success A) effects of nutrition on our body (+ precautions) →a good diet : reduce injuries ‘ risks + better performances → efficient way to control body weight : stay in shape vs fight obesity.

/!\ for efficiency→ take into account sex, age, weight, height B) danger of malnutrition → overconsumption → exceed of food = too much fat what can lead to obesity / overweight + impact organ → underconsumption → lack of food → deficiencies in nutrients/ minerals.

For theses cases → import to adapt training III/ different diets linked to the athletes A) nutrition linked to the practice → strength sports (crossfit) → high on proteins (repair muscle) → 45% carbohydrate / 35% proteins / 20 % lipids (moderate training) → recommended 50-80 cal/kg (intensive training) → endurance sports (marathon, go swimming / running) → 60% carboh / 25% lipids / 15% proteins. C: is essential in life to have good nutrition for a healthy body.

The healthy body can be explained by diff food, minerals and to adapt the proportions depending on type of practice . D: Today, deficiencies, diabetes, obesity→ 13% of adults in th world Doping : A : Through the years, phenomenon of doping is growing, affecting all sports.

In 2019, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has identified 2700 cases which is only 1% of the samples and about 56% of them were sanctioned. B: Doc C: we will try to show you that there are many stakes behind doping D : I/II/III I/ What is doping A) definition → doping behaviour = consumption diff products to improve skills before smthg out of sport event (exam) + products → legal → doping = athletes consuming illegal products in competition to improve skills → considered as cheating + sanctioned (ex : Russia in 2014 for Winter OG) B) Types of substances → dif types forbidden : anti-fatigue stimulants (caffeine), narcotics (morphin), steroids… → ++ blood oxygen°, dvlppmnt muscle mass → diff effects : ++ oxygena°, reduce fatigue, fight against stress… → dif means to take them:dissolved in food,injection in bloodstream II/ stakes of doping A) reasons → more than a competition : sport = (often) means to assert power for country depending on political, eco context → athletes : too much pressure → ex : Kamila Valieva, 15 y old russian athlete, received lot of pressure from her trainer/country that she dopeted herself. B) csqs on health → heart attack / cancers / disorders during pregnancy / psycho + behavioural disorders III/ the fight against doping A) creation of an institution → creat° of the World Anti Doping Agency in 1999 → main activities : scientific researches + education → has created the “WADCode” which harmonizes rules related doping → fight against doping → 3 forms : prevention → laws/ awareness campaigns, tests/ controls, sanction : ex being banned from a sporting event. C: concerns both amateur/ professional // various benefits but many csqs // fights diff ways. D: 21st century : era of doping// some people want to legalize it. Money : A: conception of sport has changed →went from ”passion”, “team spirit”, “high level playing” → to money. B: doc C : we will try to show you how money rules sport and affects it. D : I/ II/ III I/ The source of money A) from institutions → sponsors : marketing tech depending on the deal company/ club → financial support/ ++ sells.

→ ready to spend billions (nike, adidas) → ex: insert logo on borders od t field in stadium → TV rights → what tv pays to broadcast for one product → can pay billions → ex: National Footb League deal with 4 US networks → which led to 4.5 billions $ → 1 y B) from supporters → ticketing (=going to the matches) → ex:.... »


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