
Discrimination speech

Publié le 29/05/2024

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« Hello Today I'd like to talk about a really heartbreaking discrimination, which is women in Iran being persecuted. last year, Mahsa Amini was arrested because she was not wearing her hijab correctly, which is prohibited for women in Iran. She fell into a coma at the police station.

She tragically died three days after at the hospital.

According to the authorities, she suddenly fainted while talking to someone but her family and many others Iranians didn't believe this and accused the police of being responsible, and lead to big riots.

For example they burned their hijabs and cut their hair as a sign of protest. What's happening in Iran is inhuman.

Women are discriminated and assaulted : they have to respect a strict dress code they cant divorce, they are disrespected in the professional world and they can't participate in Iran politics: the only women elected in the parliament are corrupted. In addition to that, they are often attacked and raped by their husbands and they risk a punishment of stoning, even if they didnt do anything bad A shocking fact is that even for stoning men and women are not equal : men are stoned to their waist while women are stoned to their chest which makes escaping a lot harder to avoid dying.

Another weird thing in Iran is that women cant attend sport events played by men And a funny thing is that , in 2015, the women football team contained 8 men. The Iran government justified this by saying that they sex change operation. didn't completed their "But can we really speak of justice and equality when in Iran women are forced to live under these laws that restrict their access to education, employment, and even choices about their own bodies?" In Iran, Women have no right Women are discriminated Women are disrespected Women are assaulted Women are raped Women are killed, or even worse stoned to death. We can't just look at this chaos and let that slide. Most of the women already started the revolution Some of them are fighting from the inside, the rest went into exile to seek help in others countries. All of them wish for a better future, and they won't stop fighting until they get the equality they deserve. I'll finish this with a quote from - Shirin Ebadi "The Iranian woman is a symbol of resistance, a source of inspiration. Despite all the pressure and discrimination, Iranian women have shown great courage. They are not just victims; they are agents of change, fighting for their rights and a more just society." Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nulla dignissim euismod risus sed fermentum.

Duis egestas volutpat sapien, sed imperdiet felis dignissim vel.

Ut maximus dui urna, in fringilla.... »


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