
Devoir Maison

Publié le 18/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Devoir Maison Ce document contient 597 mots soit 1 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Langues.

« During a beautiful summer afternoon, Becca learnt from her best friend, that her boyfriend had been seen with another girl.

Becca was more than upset and took imediately her mobile and called William her boyfriend.

« beep, beep, beep...

» « Hi darling ! How are you ? » « Bad ! » « Oh why ? » « Because you were with a girl ! » «I don't love this girl, is just a friend.

» « I don't believe you ! » « Then join us, we are in the forest.

» « Ok...

» After this call, Becca went to the forest.

On the road, she met her guitar teacher.

He was 30 years old, 14 years older than Becca.

Becca looked strange and her teacher worried and concerned by her behaviour followed her carefully.

When Becca arrived in the forest she saw her boyfriend alone, she was stile angry.

She approached him she shouted on him, and cried to him that she didn't trust him anymore, and she weeped.

And she told him that their love story was over.

So he left, and she there stayed crying.

A while later, she sensed a funny atmosphere as if someone was approaching.

She turned and saw her teacher who asked her if she felt well.

Becca asked him to go away left, and left her alone.

But he refused and declared her his love.

He even told her that her boyfriend didn't deserve her.

Becca laughed, she told him that he knew nothing about love and that she would never love him.

Upset and offended by the words of Becca he left and she remained alone in the forest.

In the evening Becca parent's tried to join her because she was not home.

Worried they called Jenny her best friend.

She told them the quarrel between Becca and William.

Concerned as well she went into the forest, looking for Becca.

She then heard the rung of his phone, she rans towards the sounds and discovered Becca lying on the ground.

She screamed but Becca didn't moved.

Jenny then called an ambulance and the parents of Becca.

They arrived at the same time and firefighters announced the death of Becca.

An investigation is opened, the inspector suspect William of murdering her and summoned him to the police station.

To know more about their quarrel.

« Now, William, I would like you tell me in your words how was your dispute.

» « Becca called me angry because she thought that I cheated on her.

She joined me in the wood.

» « What time was it ? » «Well, about 5 o'clock.» « Ok, me will keep you informed, you can go now.

» During the investigation footprints and hair were found on the crime scene.

The ones of William and some others.

Police conducted a D.N.A test and noticed that it corresponded to a former criminal named Christian Blass recently released.

The police asked Becca's parents if their daughter would have known Mr Christian Blass.

They answered that he was the music teacher of Becca.

From there, he was considered as the suspect number 2.

The police obtained a searched warrant, to search the teacher housse.

On this desk they found some pictures of Becca and in his garage his shoes were soiled.

The police took away Christian Blass because he became the number one suspect.

They compared the footprints with Christian shoes and they corresponded.

Then Christian admitted that he was in love with her, and confessed that he did not accept that she refused him.

Was so angryand devastated that he, he strangled her and ran away.

He was arrested for murder and was sentenced to life imprisonment.. »


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