
Devoir LLCE

Publié le 29/10/2020

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« DEVOIR LLCE ARTICLE Hello everyone, today I am going to present an article that sets out the views of many people in America and around the world.

This is an occasional opinion piece written by John Sheirer published on September 10, 2020, we unfortunately don’t know which newspaper or site this article comes from, so I can’t link the position of the author to any status.

The point of view expressed by John Sheirer is its own.

Indeed, this article takes place in a complex political context.

In the run-up to the elections, Donald Trump and Joe Biden are fighting over the president’s place without giving up.

The members of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party support their mentors as best they can, but despite everything, the grading remain tight and nothing is played.

Especially after the election of Trump against Hillary Clinton the previous year, nobody expected it, it was a collective shock.

On the article, we can see a photo of Biden and Trump during the tormented political debate in Cleveland at the end of september.

This photo somehow highlights the ridiculous adversity between the two political figures.

Throughout his article, the author chooses not to mince his words by being deliberately provocative, and limits insulting, especially towards Trump.

One will be able to guess it during the reading, but the author is undoubtedly a democrat.

This can be seen at first sight, from the announcement of the title, "Biden or Trump? Not exactly a tough choice." We can expect to face an article that will motivate its readers to vote.

Because many men and women were disappointed by Trump's mandate and don’t want him to return to power. First, by using the pronoun "we" the author is addressing to the American people directly, it’s an implicit call to vote.

So as not to make the same mistake a second time.

On the one hand, there are several key arguments to convince people that Trump is not a good president : Trump tries to suppress affordable care and health insurance, he endangers his employees and his family in the face of COVID-19, he is involved in childish outbursts, he has no respect for his opponents, he is a liar and finally he is suspected of being involved in financial crimes.

Indeed, Trump is exposed only by pejorative terms such as "mediocre", "incompetence and ridiculous behavior", "arrogant", "insane behavior", "terrible businessman".On the other hand, there are many arguments as to why the decision to elect Biden is a fair one.

Against Trump, Biden is an angel.

He is described as a «knowledgeable» man, full of hope for his country and who unfortunately has gone through many sad events that have only made him more human.

He has also done many things for America, for women, for children, for workers, for minorities, and for the people in general.

But his struggle does not stop there, because he also wants to protect the planet from pollution and make energy a source that would no longer be a problem for the planet.

And unlike Trump, he doesn’t reject his opponents, but rather makes him a force, allowing him to learn more about politics.

Biden est présenté comme quelqu’un qui comprends les problématiques sociales et mondiales et qui vise l’interêt génral tandis que trump est présenté comme quelqu’un qui n’investit la présidence que pour son interêt personnel.. »


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