
Devoir anglais: the New York time Style Magazine written in january 2020

Publié le 04/11/2021

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« Exercice de traduction LLCE Anglais Liliana Gugnon 1ere12 1.

This article from the New York time Style Magazine written in january 2020 makes us aware of a phenomenon particularly concerning a small part of american society today. 2.

We can also wonder how the members of this community are currently reacting during the coronavirus crisis. 3.

What is striking is the age range of the members of the East Wind community, from early childhood to 76 years. 4.

These people would like a greater percentage of americans to turn away from fossil fuels and produce their own food. 5.

Thanks to communities such as East Wind,, people can be in control of their lives rather than depend on rules imposed by society. 6.

We learn in particular that these utopian communities date from the foundations of the united states at the end of the 18th century. 7.

In fact, the puritans fled old Europe in the 17th century with the idea of creating a community in America where they could live their faith without being oppressed. 8.

The article is illustrated with superb photos that manage to translate the happiness and tranquility that reign in East Wind, far from the world of cell phones and other electronic gadgets. 9.

According to a study by researchers at the university of San Diego in California, more than three-quarters of adult Americans suffer from loneliness. 10.

It therefore seems that living in community would make it possible to establish stronger social ties and to feel closer to nature.. »


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