
“Crow Song” by Margaret Atwood

Publié le 03/03/2021

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« 1 Crow Song by Margaret Atwood Crow Song by Margaret Atwood “ Crow Song” is a satirical five stanza poem written by Margaret Atwood in 1976.

The author is a Canadian writer, considered one of the leading figures in the world of letters today.

This is a lyric poem with literary figures (devices), characteristics elements, and movements found in the text.

First, the poem has some distinctive elements.

The speaker tries to persuade human beings not to be carried away by their wants and needs as if they were primitive.

Regarding the topic, it is the deficient and devalued state of human society, since human beings are dominated by their wants, needs, and politics.

It means that people are ready to delight in anything that represents power or dominance. “ you pay attention only to the rhetoric of seed fruit stomach elbow” Also, a nostalgic tone is used to express the terrible state of humanity (primitive state) for being carried away by basic desires.

Additionally, at the end, we can assume that the speaker has been submerged in that world that criticizes; a world full of longing and governance.

It said: “Watching you my people, I become cynical, you have defrauded me of hope and left me alone with politics...”. »


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