
Cours d'Anglais sur le sport

Publié le 01/06/2024

Extrait du document

« SPORT AND CULTURE - OLYMPIC GAMES The Olympic Games, like any state, have a motto: "ciltius, altius, fortius", which means "faster, higher, stronger".

The Olympic Games also share the values of excellence, respect and friendship.

This year, the Games will be held in France.

The host country is chosen automatically, and every year the country changes so that everyone can host the Olympic Games on an equal footing.

Athletes may be selected during a continental qualifying competition or event, at Olympic Qualification Tournaments (OQTs), or after winning a world championship title in a discipline.

There are a total of 28 traditional Olympic disciplines, from athletics to gymnastics to swimming.

But there are also four other disciplines: sport climbing, skateboarding, surfing and, for the first time in Olympic history, breaking (a kind of street dance). There are also two categories of Olympic Games: summer and winter.

They are held in turn every four years, i.e.

this year, in 2024, the Summer Olympics will be held, in 2026 the Winter Olympics, in 2028 the Summer Olympics again, and so on. For people with disabilities, the Paralympic Games were first held in Rome, Italy, in 1960. There are different categories of disability: visual, mental, cerebral palsy, dwarfism, amputations and the like. The Olympic Games already existed in ancient Greece, but their purpose was to fight to death in honor of the pagan gods.

Wars between cities came to a halt during this period, the Olympic Truce.

Free men from all over the Greek world came together to compete.

The athletes were naked.

The Olympic Games started in 776 BC and came to an end in 393 A.D., when the Christian emperor forbade the practice of pagan cults and hence the games. It wasn't until 1896, on the initiative of French man Pierre de Coubertin, that the international Olympic Games were instituted in Athens.

He created the IOC in 1894 (International olympic committee).

Aim : build a peaceful and better world by educating young people through sport. AWARDS: The first three athletes : Gold - Silver – Bronze The first 8 athletes receive a diploma and their names are announced to the public. What do the Olympic rings mean ? Back to dow, right to left : Europe, Africa, America, Asia, Australie - - BASEBALL It comes from an english game “rounders”. In 1839: qualified as the national pastime by Abner Doubleday, a civil war hero. Soldiers used to play baseball as a diversion during the civil war. In 1835 Alexander Cartwright created the first club in NY “ the.... »


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