
cours amc brexit and ireland

Publié le 18/11/2021

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« AMC Why is Ireland split ? The answer has a lot to do with the bigger island to the East of Ireland: Britain.

Britain has long been the more powerful of the two islands, in large part because of its closeness and trade with the rest of Europe.

Britain itself was divided into three countries: England, Scotland, and Wales.

England was usually the strongest of the three, and in the 1100's England invaded and conquered Ireland. In the 1500’s, England tightened its grip, extending its control to all of Ireland.

England’s most famous king, Henry VIII, was the key figure, and it had a lot to do with his marriage problems.

Henry’s parliament in London declared him head of the church in England, which allowed him to sideline the pope in Rome and grant himself a divorce from aging Queen Catherine.

When the leading landowner in Ireland made the mistake of siding with the pope and calling Henry a heretic, Henry sent an army, crushed the opposition, confiscated the rebels’ property, and made all Ireland bow to his authority. In fact Ireland split in two Conflict between pro-Treaty and anti-Treaty groups in the Irish Free State turned into the Irish Civil War from 1922-1923, with a victory for the pro-Treaty side.

However, continued discrimination against the Catholic minority in Northern Ireland would also lead to violence in the 60s with the start of The Troubles , a low-intensity war/insurgency fought by Irish Nationalists in the North with frequent retaliations from loyalist groups, that would last until the 1998 Good Friday Agreement .

Although the partition was never the end goal of anyone involved in the struggle around Irish independence, it ended up being the best compromise available.

There is still a fair amount of resentment around the partition, and the issue returned to the news during the recent Brexit negotiations.

Hopefully this Cheat Sheet provided a good introduction to such a complicated (and ongoing) issue.

What is the difference between great britain uk and england ? The United Kingdom The United Kingdom is an independent country off the northwestern coast of Europe.

It consists of the entire island of Great Britain and a northern part of the island of Ireland.

In fact, the official name of the country is the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland." The capital city of the United Kingdom is London and the head of state is currently Queen Elizabeth II.

The United Kingdom is one of the founding members of the United Nations and sits on the United Nations Security Council.

The creation of the United Kingdom heralds back to 1801 when the unification between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland led to the establishment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

When southern Ireland gained independence in the. »


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