
conservatisme en Angleterre et USA

Publié le 28/11/2021

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« Le parti conservateur en Angleterre : Origine du parti : Le parti Tory : le parti dŽfenseur de la Couronne de lÕEglise.

Le conservatisme est encore liŽ ˆ ce mouvement To r y.

Tory : mot irlandais qui dŽsignait voleur et quÕon utilisait pour dŽsigner les partisans de James II.

Whigs et Tory apparaissent avec la fin du rgne de Charles II, durant la glorious revolution.

Ceux qui voulaient chasser James, trop chrŽtien, risque face au pouvoir du parlement et eux qui voulait conservers la lignŽe, attachŽ ˆ lÕhŽrŽditŽ : Whigs.

Tories : valeurs monarchistes communes.

Margareth Thatcher : 1979-1990, leader of the conservative party at this time to.

Before her : James Callaghan, labour party Neo-liberalism, she reverses the meaning, in the American way, American signification : the fashionable, the narrow minded are the liberals.

Reagan on bof her friends : 1981-189 After her, she was replaced by Jonh Major, after him ; Tony Blair (New Labour), An economical conception to an ideological one, cultural one She arrived at a time of Labour dominance : a lot of problem at this time ! Unemployment, Ç winter of discontent È, the welfare system undermined personal responsibility(Smile, Self-Help ) Inspired by Hayek and Keith Jospeh -The role of the state is to provide the conditions for the individuals to plan things, to express their own liberty, it soulonÕt interfere in people life, in things such as welfare state.

His book the Road of Serfdom.

A critic of Keynes.

-Monetarianism : Firedman, to reduce inflation the necessity to cut state expenditure Populist : claimed to understand ordinary people Against the communism empire with Reagan the Ç evil empire È Ç ThereÕs no such things as society È; the idea that government can not help people, that they have to help themselves, the role of the government is to bring a sens of morality in people, to help them to develop individual responsibilities.

-free market !, no Keynesianism -Monetarism -Undemocratic power of the trade unions to be broken - Rights of individuals over the notions of social good -Privatisation : increase Ç popular capitalism È -Competitive spirit, stop the useless subsidies -Income tax to be reduced 1984 -1985 : the minerÕs strike 1982 : the Falklands war.

It makes no sense to reward the one who were unproductive.

A fight with the miner.

Coal had became very colts and difficult to mine.

Employment Acts : first step toward destroying union power.

The fall of Thatcher : the Poll tax : the thing that people had to pay for the habitation, the same tax that the other, no distinction concerning the income.

Poll tax : a local tax Victorian values, utilitarianism. »


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