
Cocker Spaniel.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Cocker Spaniel.
Cocker Spaniel, either of two breeds of small sporting dog, the American cocker spaniel (usually shortened to cocker spaniel in the United States) and the English cocker
spaniel. Both breeds--the smallest of the sporting dogs--probably descended from Spanish spaniels bred in England during the 14th century. Spaniel probably evolved
from an Old French word for "Spanish dog" while the name cocker reflects the skill these dogs demonstrated in hunting woodcocks (small game bird).
The American cocker spaniel descended from English cocker spaniels and other spaniels brought to the United States. It has a short, compact body; stands 36 to 38 cm
(14 to 15 in); and weighs 10 to 13 kg (22 and 28 lb). Its head, a distinguishing trait, is rounded (domed) on top, and the muzzle is broad and deep with square jaws.
Slightly larger than its American relative, the English cocker spaniel was a popular hunting dog in Great Britain during the 19th century. While its body is also short and
compact, this breed stands 38 to 43 cm (15 to 17 in) and weighs 12 to 15 kg (26 to 34 lb). Its head is slightly flat on top, and the strong-jawed muzzle is about the
same length as the skull.
Each breed has slightly oval, dark brown eyes and long, wide ears. The tail of each breed is carried in line with the top of the back. The cocker spaniels' silky hair is flat
or wavy and moderately long, and the ears, chest, abdomen, and legs are well feathered. Coat colors of each breed include solid black, brown, liver-colored, or particolor (a predominant color broken by patches of one or more additional colors), as well as shades of red in the English cocker spaniel.
Cocker spaniels are eager hunting dogs capable both of flushing (driving prey, such as a game bird, from cover) and retrieving game, occasionally even from water.
The Kennel Club of Great Britain recognized the English cocker spaniel as a separate breed from other spaniels in 1892. The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognized the
American cocker spaniel about 1924, and the English cocker spaniel in 1946.

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