Publié le 06/12/2021
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Roman A heroine of con-siderable fame. As the poet OVID told her story, Claudia had a bad reputation among the citizens of ROME for wearing too much makeup and fancy hairdos. People spread rumors that she was not a virgin. She was a follower of CYBELE, a Greek goddess of fertility. When the citizens of Rome decided to bring the cult of Cybele to Italy, they sent a ship to GREECE to bring back a statue of the goddess. When the ship returned, it became caught in the mud of the riverbank. Claudia stepped out of the waiting crowd, prayed loudly to Cybele to bring her strength, but only if Claudia was innocent of the accusations people made and worthy of the goddess’s love. Then Claudia gave a great tug at the rope fastened to the ship and freed the ship from the mud. She became the leader of a new Roman cult.
Liens utiles
- Polynésie, juin 2006, ES et S, LV1: Nach Claudia Rusch, Meine freie deustche Jugend, Die Strickjacke".
- Ski alpin:Claudia Giordani (sport).
- Selon Claudia Stavisky, qui a mis en scène la pièce en 2010, Loren-zaccio est « un défi [...] que Musset lance à la communauté théâtrale tout entière ». Que pensez-vous de ce jugement ?