chimamand ngozi
Publié le 25/02/2022
Extrait du document
part 1
She felt WORRIED because she wanted to be taken seriously as a female teacher.
She decided to wear a manly suit.
She wished she hadn't worn that suit.
She has decided she would, from now on, show her feminity and wear what she wants to wear.
Part 2
GENDER : either the 2 sexes, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural
differences rather than biological ones.
The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of
identities that do not correspond to establised ideas of male and female.
Gender is a touchy subject because there is a status quo about it.
Nobody dares to challenge the
differences established about the two sexes, in terms of rights for example.
People don't understand why she uses the term feminism which is very specific to women's rights
instead of talking about human rights in general.
Feminism is the correct term to use according to C.
Ngozie because it is connected directly to the
specific group that has been oppressed by the other for centuries.
The author intends to show that men have been brought up with a certain idea of their place in
society and feminism challenges theis place and that scares them.
Part 3
Stifle : étouffer
Boys are raised with the idea that they have to be masculine.
They have to define themselves as
being masculine rather than just human.
They are brought up with the idea that they have to behave
a certain « masculine » way.
impact : She explains that men have a « fragile ego ».
They feel this pressure to be masculine, to
be strong, to have money, which makes them worried : they have to show their strength or they'll be
accused of not being « a real man ».
In the last paragraph she shows how and why women have been brought up to not challenge the
superiority society has given to men.
From childhood women have been taught to be inferior to
They can do whatever they want if it doesn't challenge men's position in society.
Pour le résumé il serait intéressant de bien présenter le texte avant de reprendre les réponses aux
questions précédentes qui résument bien les idées principales de l'extrait.
Voici une piste de travail :
This text is an extract from the book « We should all be feminists » written by the Nigerian author
Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie.
The book was released in 2014.
This extracts shows that the book is
an essay on feminism and not a novel.
In this extract, she describes her experience as a woman and reflects on gender issues.
(ici on peut reprendre les réponses aux questions)
Clearly she intends to change the situation for women in the world through education.
Her goal is to
try and improve women's lot..