

Publié le 02/12/2021

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During World War II, Chile presented somethingof a paradox among South American nations.Although it was the most liberal of those states andwas, in spirit, strongly pro-Allied, Chile, whileendorsing the anti-Axis resolutions of the RioConference, initially refused to sever diplomaticrelations with the Axis countries. As a result, Lend-Lease Act agreements were never concludedbetween the United States and Chile, and the Chileangovernment found itself under continual pressureto act against the German agents who freelyoperated in the country, reporting on Allied shippingthrough the region.It was not until January 20, 1943, that the ChileanSenate agreed to sever relations with the principalAxis powers, but the senate stood fast in itsrefusal to declare war on Germany. Chile did declareagainst Japan on February 12, 1945, and was a signatoryto the United Nations Declaration.

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