cadillac ranch
Publié le 22/05/2020
Extrait du document
Cadillac Ranch is a monumental sculpture exposed outdoor Amarillo.
Designed in
1974 by Chip Lord, Hudson Marquez and Doug Michels, all three members of the
architectural group Ant Farm, it consists of an array of ten car wrecks brand Cadillac,
installed to give the impression that are planted in the soil.
Automobiles, located approximately five meters on a east-west alignment, are half-
buried in the ground, the cover forward, and almost vertical, in fact, they are
supposed to form the ground at the same angle as the faces of the Egyptian pyramid
of Cheops on the Giza Plateau.
These ten models represent the evolution of the range between 1949 and 1963
Cadillac Ranch is located in a cattle pasture west of Amarillo, 200 meters south of the
old Route 66.
The work is visible from the highway and it is located on private land, but his visit is
Visitors can graffiter cars, which have long since lost their original
They are also regularly painted in different colors to renew the expression
offered visitors space.
I chose Cadillac ranch because I think it's a very beautiful sculpture and tourists can
make it graphitis I think its very interresants because as his work will change color
and that's what makes it beautiful !.
Liens utiles
- Gaston Miron sourit tristement, ajuste ses lunettes de corne noire et enserre les épaules de Dubois dans une accolade rude et franche. Alain Beaulieu, la Cadillac blanche de Bernard Pivot, Québec Amérique
- expr ession écrite : c ompléter un texte lacunair eTu essaies de retrouver les lignes qui manquent :Il était quatre heures de l'après-midi lorsqueJody, parvenu au sommet de la colline, revitle ranch.
- - PYRÉNÉESLe château de Cadillac.
- Albert Cohen, Belle du seigneur: Adrien Deume soupira d'aise, fier d'avoir rangé d'emblée sa voiture entre les deux Cadillac.