Publié le 06/12/2021
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Bulldog, breed of dog developed in England in the 13th century for courage and ferocity needed in the sport of bullbaiting. After bullbaiting became illegal in 1835, the
dog was bred to eliminate viciousness. The bulldog has a heavy, thickset, low-slung body; a massive head; wide shoulders; short, stout, and straight forelegs; long hind
legs; and a fine-textured coat of short, straight hair. It is also characterized by small, thin ears, located high on the head; a large, broad nose; and a deep, broad, and
full chest. The lower jaw projects, enabling the dog to take a grip that is difficult to break. The tail is short, straight, or screw, but not curled, and is hung low. The color
of the dog may be red brindle, other brindles, solid white, or piebald. Mature male dogs weigh about 23 kg (about 50 lb); females, about 18 kg (about 40 lb).
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bulldog, breed of dog developed in England in the 13th century for courage and ferocity needed in the sport of bullbaiting. After bullbaiting became illegal in 1835, the
dog was bred to eliminate viciousness. The bulldog has a heavy, thickset, low-slung body; a massive head; wide shoulders; short, stout, and straight forelegs; long hind
legs; and a fine-textured coat of short, straight hair. It is also characterized by small, thin ears, located high on the head; a large, broad nose; and a deep, broad, and
full chest. The lower jaw projects, enabling the dog to take a grip that is difficult to break. The tail is short, straight, or screw, but not curled, and is hung low. The color
of the dog may be red brindle, other brindles, solid white, or piebald. Mature male dogs weigh about 23 kg (about 50 lb); females, about 18 kg (about 40 lb).
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.