? Part 1 ? Jobs 1. Explain
Publié le 08/12/2021
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Part 1 ? Jobs
1. Explain. Ce document contient 524 mots. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système d’échange gratuit de ressources numériques ou achetez-le pour la modique somme d’un euro symbolique. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en : Echange
Part 1 ? Jobs
1. Explain the three situations in which Hélène needs to speak English.
Hélène need to speak English when:
With groups of American British visitors.
In July an august many tourist only proposes visits in French and English.
She prepares her presentation.
2. How does Hélène prepare her presentations?
? If she knows the site?
If she knows the site, she can about the group to adapt her presentation to their of interest.
? If she?s not familiar with the site?
If she?s not familiar with the site, she prepare her presentation in many ways as she would in French. She collects as much information as she can if possible, in English
? When she presents somewhere for the first time in English?
When she present some where for the first time in English, she practices presentation with her friends.
? If she needs to use new, technical words?
If needs to use new technical words, she try to find out how they should be pronounced, and when possible asks teachers from England.
2. What advice would Hélène give to anyone who has to make their first presentation in English? Identify five pieces of advice.
First at all, you thoroughly prepare presentation, the second advice would be to make notes, but don?t write out the whole presentation because it looks and sounds unprofessional, the third advice would be to use simple, clear and concise English with only information we want to give the group, The fourth advice, Il?s not necessary to learn a huge list of specific vocabulary, the las advice it?s important to learn the keywords and structures to give a good general presentation.
Part 2 ? Welcoming.
1. Greet the group: Good morning everyone.
2. Introduce yourself: My name is Hélène and I?m your guide.
3. Say what you are going to show your group: This morning we?re going to visit the grounds and the interior of the chateau.
4. Ask people to do something (directing people): If you like to follow me, we can start our visit.
5. Attract people?s attention to something: Other there you can see nineteen century landscape garden.
6. Indicate exactly where something is: Down there by the river, just next to the wall of the chateau, you can see the remain of the fish tank.
First e-mail.
Bonjour Jean PASCAL,
Je me permets de vous contacter car j?ai un message à vous transmettre de la part de Clair qui cherche un guide pour vendredi prochain dans la matinée, pour un groupe de 28 personnes de 17ans qui commence à étudier l?histoire. Il arrivent au Château à 10:00, Il faudra donner des information sur le château, son l?histoire et de sa construction.
Malheureusement moi je ne peux pas assister, j?ai quelque chose de prévue.
On attente de ta repense.
Cordialement Hélène.
Second e-mail.
Dear Clair,
I hope that you are well unfortunately, I?m not available Friday to do it. I spoke with my college, and he would be available to make this visit. I gave him all the necessary information that you had sent me.
Kind regards.
Part 1 ? Jobs
1. Explain. Ce document contient 524 mots. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système d’échange gratuit de ressources numériques ou achetez-le pour la modique somme d’un euro symbolique. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en : Echange
Part 1 ? Jobs
1. Explain the three situations in which Hélène needs to speak English.
Hélène need to speak English when:
With groups of American British visitors.
In July an august many tourist only proposes visits in French and English.
She prepares her presentation.
2. How does Hélène prepare her presentations?
? If she knows the site?
If she knows the site, she can about the group to adapt her presentation to their of interest.
? If she?s not familiar with the site?
If she?s not familiar with the site, she prepare her presentation in many ways as she would in French. She collects as much information as she can if possible, in English
? When she presents somewhere for the first time in English?
When she present some where for the first time in English, she practices presentation with her friends.
? If she needs to use new, technical words?
If needs to use new technical words, she try to find out how they should be pronounced, and when possible asks teachers from England.
2. What advice would Hélène give to anyone who has to make their first presentation in English? Identify five pieces of advice.
First at all, you thoroughly prepare presentation, the second advice would be to make notes, but don?t write out the whole presentation because it looks and sounds unprofessional, the third advice would be to use simple, clear and concise English with only information we want to give the group, The fourth advice, Il?s not necessary to learn a huge list of specific vocabulary, the las advice it?s important to learn the keywords and structures to give a good general presentation.
Part 2 ? Welcoming.
1. Greet the group: Good morning everyone.
2. Introduce yourself: My name is Hélène and I?m your guide.
3. Say what you are going to show your group: This morning we?re going to visit the grounds and the interior of the chateau.
4. Ask people to do something (directing people): If you like to follow me, we can start our visit.
5. Attract people?s attention to something: Other there you can see nineteen century landscape garden.
6. Indicate exactly where something is: Down there by the river, just next to the wall of the chateau, you can see the remain of the fish tank.
First e-mail.
Bonjour Jean PASCAL,
Je me permets de vous contacter car j?ai un message à vous transmettre de la part de Clair qui cherche un guide pour vendredi prochain dans la matinée, pour un groupe de 28 personnes de 17ans qui commence à étudier l?histoire. Il arrivent au Château à 10:00, Il faudra donner des information sur le château, son l?histoire et de sa construction.
Malheureusement moi je ne peux pas assister, j?ai quelque chose de prévue.
On attente de ta repense.
Cordialement Hélène.
Second e-mail.
Dear Clair,
I hope that you are well unfortunately, I?m not available Friday to do it. I spoke with my college, and he would be available to make this visit. I gave him all the necessary information that you had sent me.
Kind regards.
Liens utiles
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