Biographie Martin Luther King
Publié le 20/06/2022
Extrait du document

Early years : Born as Michael King Jr.
on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta ,
Georgia , Martin Luther King Jr.
was the middle child of Michael King Sr.
and Alberta Williams King.
Growing up in Atlanta, Georgia, Martin Luther
King Jr.
entered public school at age 5.
In May, 1936 he was baptized,
but the event made little impression on him.
In May, 1941, Martin was 12
years old when is grandmother, Jennie, died of a heart attack.
The event
was traumatic for Martin, more so because he was out watching a
parade against his parents' wishes when she died.
Distraught at the
news, young Martin jumped from a second story window at the family
home, allegedly attempting suicide.
Familly life : Michael King Sr.
stepped in as pastor of Ebenezer Baptist
Church upon the death of his father-in-law in 1931.
He too became a
successful minister, and adopted the name Martin Luther King Sr.
honor of the German Protestant religious leader Martin Luther.
In due
time, Michael Jr.
would follow his father's lead and adopt the name
His fight against racial segregation :
On the night that Rosa Parks was arrested, E.D.
Nixon, head of the local
NAACP chapter met with Martin Luther King Jr.
and other local civil rights
leaders to plan a citywide bus boycott.
King was elected to lead the
boycott because he was young, well-trained with solid family connections
and had professional standing.
But he was also new to the community
and had few enemies, so it was felt he would have strong credibility with
the black community.
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference
In January 1957, Martin Luther King Jr., Ralph Abernathy, and 60
ministers and civil rights activists founded the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference to harness the moral authority and organizing
power of black churches.
They would help conduct non-violent protests
to promote civil rights reform.
Liens utiles
- Martin Luther King combattit autant pour le respect des droits des Noirs que pour ceux des pauvres ou d'autres minoritésdéfavorisées.
- Martin Luther King
- Martin Luther King(1929-1968) « I have a dream » Célèbre pasteur baptiste noir américain, Martin Luther King lutta contre toute forme de ségrégation raciale en prônant la non-violence.
- King, Martin LutherKing, Martin Luther (1929-1968), pasteur noir américain, lauréat du prix Nobel de la paix, l'un des principaux dirigeants du mouvement noir américain pour l'égalité desdroits et de la résistance non-violente à l'oppression raciale.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.