
baton lumineux

Publié le 23/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : baton lumineux Ce document contient 704 mots soit 2 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Physique / Chimie.

« Glow sticks contain chemicals.

Not deadly dangerous chemicals, but chemicals that should be handled and treated with respect.

Some glow products use a chemical called dibutyl phthalate .

Other glow products contain a small glass vial inside the plastic tube that contains a mixture of hydrogen peroxide in phthalic ester.

Outside of the glass vial is another chemical called phenyl oxalate ester.

When the tube is cracked, the glass inside is broken and the chemicals all mix together in a reaction that causes the glow.

What are the Dangers? These chemicals can sting and burn eyes, irritate and sting skin and can burn the mouth and throat if ingested.

If the chemicals are ingested or spilled in the eyes or on the skin, it is recommended the area is rinsed with water and the local poison control center contacted. Glow sticks contain fluorescent dyes called sensitizer and and fluouphor.

The dyes are mixed with hydrogen peroxide and contained in a plastic tube.

The chemicals in glow sticks can be combined in certain ways to have a brighter glow for a short period of time or a dim glow for a longer time.There are three major components to glow sticks.There’s the dye, which gives it the color.

Then there’s the two chemicals that react to give the dye its light.

A common combination of chemicals is hydrogen peroxide and phenyl oxalate ester, plus the fluorescent dye.

Putting the glow stick in a cooler environment slows down the reaction which creates a dimmer glow that will last longer.

In contrast, placing the glow stick in a hotter environment will exaggerate the glow but will shorten the lifespan To get the stick to produce light, it is necesary to "crack" the stick.

This requires bending the stick, until the glass vial contained within the plastic casing breaks.

This allows the inside the glass to mix with the chemicals outside the glass vial.

Once these chemicals contact one another, a reaction takes place.

The chemical reaction in a glow stick releases energy in the form of light.

This light along with dye allows the stick to glow the brilliant colors that we observe. »


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