

Publié le 23/05/2020

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« THE POWER OF DRONES Technonology has drastically increased in the past few years.

Drones appeared and their use may change some war issues.

Many questions have arisen such as the psychological effect on the pilot mentioned in the film review, The Daily Telegraph comment, the Noel Sharkey column, the excerpt and the Daniel Suarez speech.

The whole file tries to point out the positive and negative aspect of drones in conflict.

We can wonder what is lost and gained with autonomous weapons ? According to the Daniel Suarez speech, drones are tools to resolve conflict, in fact they're really powerfull and as the Column and the film review say those machines can avoid wars or army casualties and save lives by protecting soldier.

There are several ways to use them, The Daily Telegraph comment introduce the way UK uses drones compared to US, they only operate in internationnaly recognised theatres of conflict and take a big part in the defence of some places and can be the center of important discussions all around the world.

Indeed they now can be used for diplomatic cooperation.

Moreover, the excerpt mention the fact that pilots are safe with drones, they dont have to be on the battlefield.

However, despite all of this a lot of people are against the use of killer drones. Indeed the column point out the fact that the user can possibly loss the controle of the machine or error might spawn.

It also violate human rights (spying, an example from the excerpt) and deshumanise the pilot, the speech agreed and add that the more High-Tech a society is, the more likely it'll lose free speech, it shows how wars can be won by only few people nowadays.

The use of drones can also terrify the local population only due to its presence.

Furthermore the files introduced the fact that drones won't need pilot to operate.

That's why killer robot are really scorned. In order to make balanced rules for the use of autonomous weapons several solutions has been suggested such as the ban on drones asked by the HRW because as we saw on the column, US directive are insufficient , intertional treaty mentioned in the speech in favor of the fact that drones can be identify. In the end UAVs bring good and bad things from different point of view.

However most people think we shouldn't use them in wars because of its power.

Means must be found to use them properly without putting endanger the human condition.. »

