

Publié le 23/05/2020

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« “FREE THE FOUR” The movie is about the Guilford Four case, four young people, wrongly convicted to jail, for having planted bombs in a pub in England in 1974. The Irish filmmaker, Jim Sheridan denounces, through this miscarriage of justice, the mistakes committed by the British police toward Northern Ireland people.

This involved part is not the only one in this movie because the director is also interested in the powerful relationship between Gerry Conlon and his father Giuseppe. Built on a succession of flashbacks, the movie starts with the description of Belfast’s every day, Gerry Conlon’s delinquent life and an impressive riot scene in the city’s streets, on the “Voodoo Child” song by Hendrix.

This spectacular clip shows all the tensions in Northern Ireland in 1974, but also the solidarity between the inhabitants and the IRA’s role in the city. The next sequences of the film are for the majority taken in jail or in the court. Questioning, police brutality, the movie built itself on a feeling of rebellion and rage provoked by the injustice.

Finally, the spectator has a ray of hope when a lawyer decides to take the file and to prove the innocence of the four young defendants. The actor Daniel Day-Lewis is brilliant in the film.

He perfectly embodies the different sides of his character, from the oblivious delinquent to the convicted son who wants to avenge his father’s death.

In the father’s role, Pete Postlethwaite is amazing and he shows that a second role can be as memorable as a first one.

His acting expresses the different feelings of love toward his son, anger or frustration faced with the injustice.

Emma Thompson, in Mrs.

Pierce’s role, is really convincing, she is able to touch the spectator, particularly in the Court, when she screams to let the truth prevail. The film is really rich in emotions, there are lots of touching sequences, from the riots to the ending scene, via the father’s death.

The spectator is caught by the movie and can’t move until the end until to know if the truth will prevail.

About the music, there are lots of different genres, from Bob Marley to Hendrix, which are perfectly compatible with the movie. To me, the most emblematic scene is the ending one, which is really moving, because of the strength of conviction that Gerry has when he talks, the denunciation of the miscarriage of justice and the wish of the truth’s triumph.

The last sentence of the extract is strong and installs an idea of a quest for the justice, “in the name of my father and of the truth!”. »


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