
Anglais John Ford

Publié le 03/10/2021

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Anglais John Ford. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système d’échange gratuit de ressources numériques ou achetez-le pour la modique somme d’un euro symbolique. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir.

« John Ford /10 Biography : John Ford was born the 1 st february 1894 in Cape Elizabeth (In US) He died the 31 st august 1973 (He was 79 year) in Palm Dessert (California).

He is one of the famousest in the Classic Hollywood period (in the end of the year 1920 until year 1960) He was also owner of 6 oscars including a record of four win for « The Best Realisator » He began his career at 12 years old while following his brother's carreer.

He was first assistant, handyman, stuntman, and an occasional actor He played his first own role in « The Mysterious Rose » (1914) In 1916 he is hire by Universal and he assist realisator like : Allan Dwan.

While he is only a props, he is entrusted with his first mission of realizations.

So he realised “The Tornado”and became the appointed realisator on westerns movie.

He turns 25 movies with the acotr Harry Carey before falling out in 1919 date on wich he get the statu of “important realisator in Hollywood”. Synopsis « The serches » : The story talk about : 3 years after the war of Sécession a soldier named Ethan go home (his brother's home) but we can see the agressivness that Ethan has against the Indien.

Then the heard of beasts get stole from idian so Ethan and Martin (the adoptive kids of Ethan's brother) and a group of person decided to refind the herd, but it was a diversion.

After that Ethan and the group realised that it was a misstake to leave his family alone..

but when he came back home the whole house was bruning and he found corpses, the corpses of his family.

But two of Ethan's nieces was missing so they determined that they have to go find Debbi and Lucy, not a long time after they find the corpse of Lucy nevertheless Debbie was still missing so they go back for a long trip to find Debbie.

After many years they find her in the tent of the Indian's Chief.

Ethan didn't reconised her as the niece he had so he tried to kill her but Martin blocked him and the comanche shoot and them so they leave and leave Debbie with the comanche.

But at the end Ethan go back to recover Debbie and he past above the fact that Debbie was a comanche .

In the fiht for recover Debbie Ethan killed Scar (The chief of comanche). Axel COILLIOT TG06. »


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