
Anglais exposé: Lincoln

Publié le 31/03/2022

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« Anglais exposé: Lincoln 1/Présentation: The film we are about to present is entitled Lincoln, directed by Steven Spielberg.

It was released on 30 January 2013 (two thousand and thirteen).

Steven Spielberg is an American director, screenwriter and film producer.

He received two Oscars for best director (in 1994.

(nineteen ninery four) and 1999 (nineteen ninety nine)) and an Oscar for best film (in 1994(nineteen ninety four)).

The main characters are Daniel Day-Lewis who plays Abraham Lincoln, Sally Field who plays the wife of Abraham : Mary Todd, Tommy Lee Jones who plays Mister Stevens : a politic man, Joseph Gordon Levitt who plays the soon of Abraham : Robert Lincoln, David Strathairn who plays William Seward: a politic man and finally Tim Blake Nelson who plays Richard Schell: it’s a member of the unites states house of representatives.

This movie has received 12 (twelve) Oscar nominations. 2/ Résumé: The film talks about the last tumultuous months of the sixteenth President of the United States.

In a nation torn apart by civil war and shaken by the winds of change, Abraham Lincoln made every effort to resolve the conflict, unify the country and abolish slavery.

This man with exceptional determination and moral courage will have to make choices that will change the fate of future generations.

Indeed, Lincoln must fall between the end of the Civil War or the vote of the thirteenth amendment which consists in the total abolition of slavery throughout the country.

Abraham needs twenty votes in favour of the 13th amendment so that it can be signed.

In addition, it is imperative, according to him, to adopt the amendment before peace in order to eliminate any possibility of re-enslavement of freed slaves. Finally, on April 8, 1865(eighteen sixty five), the 13th. »


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