

Publié le 17/05/2020

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« CORRECTION OF HOMEWORK Recap : Billy Wilder set up his movie in Chicago in the late 20’s with prohibition as background.

The film focuses on two broke musicians( it stages two broke …..): two losers, and stereotypes of gang godfathers : tough guys .

BW makes fun of them kindly , it’s a comedy The movie is entitled ‘ ’SOME LIKE IT HOT’’ , in fact ‘’ it ‘’ stands for Jazz music ; it is directed by Billy Wilder , starring Marilyn Monroe ,Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon , it deals with men who disguise themselves as women to escape the mafia , a Chicago gang . The movie is a comedy The first chapters BACKGROUND Prohibition SETTING The scene takes place in Chicago in 1929 , in the street , CHARACTERS Gangs ( toothpick Charlie , Spats Columbo, the police ( with a mole ), the main characters : 2 broke musicians : they struggle to pay their rent because for four months they have been unemployed / jobless so they have had to borrow money so one of them suggests to bet on a dog in a dog-race ( gamble ) SITUATION The police ( they ) are chasing a hearse which is hiding gangsters who hid bottles of liquor ,spirits in a coffin and some weapons in a fake ceiling , the liquor is leaking out of the coffin , the mafia first escape the police There’s a shooting There’s a SPEAKEASY hidden behind a FUNERAL PARLOR , people pretend to go to a funeral instead of going to a speakeasy , they have to give a password to get into the speakeasy and then they can drink alcohol illegally and enjoy the show : dancing and music . The police are getting ready to raid the place and arrest the gangsters and the customers . MORE ABOUT THE MAIN CHARACTERS They are in dire straits( in trouble ) because 1.

they’re desperate ,they’re starving , they’re jobless, looking for a job , their agent is looking for two female musicians to go to Florida , the paradise of millionaires . 2.

Joe bet on a dog which lost the race so they lost their money. »


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