Analyse de l'image Automat, Edward Hopper, 1927
Publié le 07/05/2022
Extrait du document
Automat, Edward Hopper, 1927
This image is a painting belonging to the American realism
made by the realist painter Edward Hopper in 1927 titled
It’s presented in an inaudible and melancholic
It is composed of one single person, unmoving
objects and empty surroundings, during nighttime in an
A first look makes us notice an alone welldressed woman in the middle, wearing a yellow hat and a
green fur coat.
The woman is lost in her thoughts, she is
gazing her cup of coffee with an empty chair in front of
We see an obscure night and the reflect of the rows
of lights spots through the window in the background, a
radiator in the bottom left-hand corner, in addition to a
colored fruit platter behind the woman.
The dress of the
woman and the place show that she is in a big, developed
We can know that the woman is in an automat because
we see no waiters.
The woman is all alone, her face is
expressionless, she seems tired, even if she is welldressed, we can feel a kind of negligence thus her hat is
unsymmetrical, she is wearing a glove just in her left hand
which means that she is maybe in a hurry, she is wearing
her coat even though there is a radiator in the place which
shows that the scene happens in a cold winter or that the
radiator is simply not functioning, we see also an empty
plate on the table which shows that she is sitting there
and overthinking for a long time.
the painter accentuates
her loneliness with the empty chair just in front of her.
see no doors as if this woman is stuck there, we can just
see the window and the reflection of the lights that hides
the streets of the city.
All these details rise questionings
about the painting such as : Why is this woman alone?
How did she get here and what is she thinking of ? what
makes her so tired and ambiguous?
The tired and unhappy mood of this woman could be a
result a long loneliness that affected her emotional state,
she may be thinking of the reasons of this loneliness.
well colored fruit platter behind her is the only detail that.
Liens utiles
- Lamartine définit la poésie comme « la langue complète, la langue par excellence, qui saisit l'homme par son humanité tout entière, idée pour l'esprit, sentiment pour l'âme, image pour l'imagination, et musique pour l'oreille ». Cette définition rejoint-elle votre conception personnelle de à poésie ? Vous fonderez votre analyse sur des exemples précis.
- analyse d'image
- Hopper Edward
- Edward Hopper
- Jean-Claude Renard, rendant compte de son expérience de poète, analyse dans les lignes qui suivent la relation qu'il entretient avec son propre langage :« Il a ses racines en moi comme j'ai mes racines en lui. Il est un miroir à double réflexion où je reconnais ce que je suis et ce que je ne suis pas. Par suite, c'est un miroir qui me trahit- aux deux sens de ce verbe. Car il donne de moi une image à la fois plus vraie et plus fausse que celle que je puis, consciemment ou inconsciemmen