

Publié le 22/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Analyse Ce document contient 3452 mots soit 8 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Economie.

« MEMORANDUM The Department of Business at St.

Gregory's University To: Mayda Shorney, Ph.D., CPA From: AMINADOU OUATTARA Date: 10/25/2012 Re: DTE’s Company analysis The company that I choose is DTE Energy Company which provides gas and electric utility services in Michigan.

Its website address is .

I choose this company because there are some countries in Africa like Morocco, Tunisia, etc which have many energy resources but still don’t know how to use it to develop Africa (there are some parts in Africa which still don’t have electricity) so they sell it to others continents.

Since I am African, I want to contribute to the development of my continent, my dream is to create and manage a company where we can manage our own energy.

After analyzing my company I understand better how companies work, where they get their money from, how the industry affect them, what criteria to look at before investing in a company.

By analysis DTE vs.

CMS, I can base on the financial statement analysis to say that it is better to invest in CMS Energy Corp.

Also, by comparing we see that it is also better to not invest in DTE Energy Company.

Here is my company analysis on DTE Energy Company.. »


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