AI, at our service ?
Publié le 17/05/2022
Extrait du document
AI, at our service ?
AI is present everywhere around us so we need to ask ourselves : who it serves,
is it at our service ?
1)The omnipresence of AI
AI is already at our service and we use it everyday without noticing.
First here
are some examples :
-Navigation services to find a destination, we use AI to move.
-A lot of applications are based about AI.
Smart assistants in smartphones like
Siri or Alexa are the most obvious examples.
-Wether it be instagram facebook or youtube everything you do or see is
influenced by machine learning
(Machine learning can be defined as an artificial intelligence technology allowing
machines to learn without having previously been programed specially for this
-How many times did you thought while seeing an ad « I was planning on buying
this » ? It’s AI work, it track what we do online.
2)Man-machine relationship
AI try to copy certain AI certains human characteristics like emotions, cognitive
AI are today used like tools to paint, make music or even bake.
But that cant be
put on the account of creativity because AI dont invent, they imitate.
AI cant act like us in appearance.
AI can detect humans emotions and progress
have been made for AI to react and act according to the emotions the human in
front of it make.
They simulate feeling an emotion.
So we need to ask ourselves the question about the place we will let to those AI.
3)Wil they be a big help for the future ?
AI dont just imitate what humans do and real algorithms are made to make AI
tools to help with decisions.
Machine can help us improve our decision by giving
us arguments or solutions.
AI can be useful in various fields like insurances, banks, security or even the
medical field.
For the health case, studies proved that AI were capable to diagnoses tumors
from X-Ray.
Thereby artificial intelligence will be a real help asset in the medical field and
could help save lives by predicting certain diseases..
Liens utiles
- La force peut-elle être au service du droit ?
- Commentez cette citation d'Albert Camus : Un roman est un exercice de l'intelligence au service d'une sensibilité.
- Dans la scène du dénouement, Perdican s'exclame « Orgueil, le plus fatal des conseillers humains, qu'es-tu venu faire entre cette fille et moi ? » et un critique, Jean Giraud, écrit de Camille : « Elle est tout orgueil. Elle met une intelligence aiguë, une volonté redoutable, au service de son amour propre ». En analysant le comportement des protagonistes d'On ne badine pas avec l'amour, vous montrerez que ce proverbe de Musset est effectivement un drame de l'orgueil. Mais n'est-il q
- Maintenant, elles recherchent les travailleurs autonomes et offrent de nombreux services et des tarifs concurrentiels pour le service résidentiel. Jean-Benoît Nadeau, le Guide du travailleur autonome, Québec Amérique